Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Venting Post!

Ahhh My Dear Bitches! 
Another weeks cums to an end.... THANK FUCK!

This is the VENTING POST, feel free to bitch moan and yell about anything you want!

*takes deep breath*
Here is my bitching:

1.- Hey you, yes YOU fuck face! The one with the fancy sports car and the small dick that almost ran me over yesterday! Yeah, you know who you are. Next time you want to park your car next to mine, SLOW the FUCK down, I had to fucking jump out of the way and you still almost hit me. Then you just hid in you car, and didn't even apologize?!?! Fucking asshole. Get your BALDING head out of ass, and think a little. No one gives a fuck about you and how fast you can drive your midlife crisis car. I hope botox kills you motherfucker.

2.- My little one was sick last night and I didn't get to see BelAmi...
*wails* I know MegO♥BTB was pissed too, I feel your pain sister!
I want BelAmi NOW!!!
FUCK YOU, YOU people in the U.S. & Canada for making us wait FOR FUCKING EVER to see this film, when in other countries its already old news... 

ahhhhhh. I feel better already...



  1. I would bitch about how much I fucking hate MTV at the moment but I fear it would be endless.

  2. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBMay 4, 2012 at 9:47 AM

    I have had the worst week in Uni life so far. This group of mine has an assignment due today, but we started it only last Friday.Our meeting was only 10 minutes and we thought we'd figured things out. Come Sunday, and it all turns to hell. The assignment consisted of a 5 page group report and a 15 minute speech for the 5 members group. 2 people have absolutely nothing to do for their speech, because they chose to do the powerpoint slide and finishing touches on the report. Everyone assumes I'm the leader because I was the one who contacted them first to get together, so naturally, these two throws 12358653 questions to me at one time. I got one of them to do introduction and the other conclusion. Then, the girl asked me how to do an introduction, two NIGHTS before this was due. She's a 3rd year student and yes, she went to school here. How did she pass her other units? I don't know. And then the guy asked me for help and then, after waiting 1 1/2 hours in the library for him, he didn't show up. Couldn't he have texted? emailed? called? No. He didn't. He told me the next fucking day that he couldn't go because he got work to do. Didn't even apologize. Where the fuck are people's manners these days?! Everything went well today however, and I am BEYOND glad that it's over. Now I have 2 group assignments due in 2 weeks and on the same day. Rant over. 

  3. Yah it would be endless, I think all BTBs feel the same way.... fucking back stabbers!

  4. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBMay 4, 2012 at 10:01 AM

    They just love popularity so much, don't they? And apparently Twilight isn't important any more,so let's all shove Twilight into a corner. On the other hand, I'm okay with this decision. Let us spare Robsten from their embarrassment. We know they are and we know that both are ready to move on. This will give them time to do so, and time to be focused on their better films coming out soon. 

    Also, MTV is supposed to stand for Music Television. What BUSINESS do they have in the Movie area anyway? NOTHING. They used to be so good. I owe them my love for music and international songs. But now, kids owe them for their dream of becoming 16 and pregnant.It's ridiculous and they disgust me for promoting such things! Clearly, something went wrong with the management and Board of Directors team. 

  5. My vent is that I hate my satellite provider. I have Dish Net and it's pretty much the only one that is not showing BA today. But instead Dish Net will be showing it the same time it comes out in theaters. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUCK??!!

    But I still have itunes and my local BTB is going to be copying it and I'll have it then.

    MegO, if you want I could make you a copy when I get it and send it to you so  you have it.  *wink*

  6. It's stupid because 2012 MMAS are for 2011 movies! Not ones that just came out.

  7. Here's my rant:  My husband is a man.  'Nuf said.

  8. Rob will fuck with your hormones.  That is fo' sho'!

  9. Thought this was funny...

  10. Dude, I'm not even gonna start! Well, maybe just a little.

    I'm not going even near MTV website this year, I refuse to even give them more hits.
    I refuse to vote in ANYTHING!
    I'm sure Rob, Kristen and the Twilight Saga team have enough pop-corn trophies to last them a lifetime, so who cares.
    Everyone here knows I'm also a fan of Hunger Games, I would have voted equally to give them both a chance... But NO, they decided to make it ALL  about the "New Favorite" and that's unfair.
    They can shove their MTV Awards up their asses, I don't care.

    They lost yet another viewer for the awards (not that I watch that garbage regularly) add it to the other thousands lost viewers.


  11. LOL!!! I'm sure it's not your period but your liquefied ovaries!!! 

  12. Ugh, I'm sick and feel like shit since wednesday! I'm sick of being sick! 

    And Bel Ami came out yesterday but nowhere near me! FML
    Not a good week for me! But I'm planing to get wasted tomorrow. Hopefully

  13. Awwe Feel better hunny! Yes! Get wasted it's fucking 5 de mayo bitches! 

  14. I fucking hate MTV! Not only did they nominate Twilight/Rob and Kristen for only 2 fucking awards but they also don't allow people outside the US to vote! Go fuck yourself MTV!

  15. Thank you! <333

  16. You're in Germany, right? Well, they have a mobile phone site that needs no log in. Maybe you could try that.

    Yeah, I'm super duper pissed off. I'm not watching it.

  17. OMG! Did you send Aunt Flow my way too?! Cause she came by today! LOL

  18. I'm not watching them either. MTV can kiss my ass and go fuck themselves!

  19.  If I did it wasn't intentional. She jumped me from behind as well. That bitch!

  20. Yes, I'm in Germany! And I downloaded HotspotShield. It gives you an american IP address or something so I hope my votes count. 
    Still pissed. I just want to know If they win. Not interested in the rest. Because I know that The Hunger Games will win the rest.

  21. LMAO! Love this!

    But I expected Aunt Flow today so I'm not surprised. Still don't like it though!

  22. I am raping the vote buttons. I will not watch though. I will not give them the fucking satisfaction. MTV can fuck off!


  24. I HATE MY COMPUTER OR MY PHOTOSHOP CS5!   I don't know which, but I am trying to teach myself how to make GIFs, but they are not working how I want.  They are too slow and I don't know how to fix it!

  25. Aunt Flow is EVERYWHERE today, she's leaving in a day or two tho.

  26. I just gonna moan about not having anymore Tequila for my margaritas and I really don't want to go to the alcoholic store right now

  27. Oh and thank the fuck that its friday. I'm tired of taking care of someone elses trolls

  28. OH NO!!!! That's the worse!!! You need margaritas!!!!!! 

  29. Aurora23❤BTB❤®May 4, 2012 at 7:54 PM

    Well where the fuck shall I begin????

    I agree with a lot of the rants on here today!

    1st: MTV sucks!!! It's not music anymore and everything is fucking about popularity and not about real talent!  SO FUCK THEM!!

    2nd: WTF is up with so many haters online lately???? I FUCKING HATE YOU TOO THEN!!!

    3rd: WHy are men so fucking stupid??? Had an ex email today telling me he misses me and wants to see me....UM FUCK YOU! NO!!!

    to all the stupid people out there:

  30. FB I would hump you forever if you got me Bel Ami!!! Seriously you would be my most favourite person in the world, well next to Rob, but you know what I mean! 

  31. I'm still pissed that Canada gets ignored by fucking Bel Ami distributors.... Canadians can be fucking horny bitches too! 

    Men suck and lie and are fucking assholes.... need I say more? 

    Almost 3 year old is now going through her terrible twos.... stupid me thought she skipped them! 

    Sister sucks and I'm sick of her drama. I understand she doesn't feel good but staying in bed for almost 2 weeks and making our mom take care of your kid? When I had pneumonia and was in the hospital she basically said to me good luck with that.... fuck she is so fucking selfish and i have no idea how she is 5 years older than me, she acts like a fucking single teen mom who doesn't understand life! I was 17 when I had Austin and she used to look down on me for it... well fuck you! I wish we could have a better relationship.... plus she's mad at me cause I won't take her kid to see the Avengers cause we're waiting till next weekend cause this weekend I have no sitter for Alie and she would not sit through a 2.5 hour movie! I was lucky she almost sat through all of Beauty and the Beast in 3D and that's her favourite movie ever! lol. 

    And to round out my rant something cute: The other day Alie and I were getting ready to do errands, ie: go to Starbucks for her baby coffee and my peppermint mocha and she said to me "Mommy you look pretty, almost as pretty as me! I get to be prettier cause I'm like Princess Belle and she's the prettiest ever!" lol. Yah my child can be vain.... oh well I just hope she keeps her confidence! 

  32. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 5, 2012 at 2:02 AM

    Ummmmmm.......I totally shit myself last night while watching Bel Ami! No,like,really,literally, I shit myself! My evening went as follows: Begin watching Bel Ami all giddy and excited. Uh oh,poopin time.Paused the movie, ran to the crapper.Resume movie.Deadly cramps.Pause movie.Run to crapper.Resume movie.Jungle sounds coming from bowels.Pause movie.Run to crapper.....but not quickly enough! Shits self,curses loudly.Bath at 3 am. Yoga pants and undies in garbage. Swallows half a bottle of Immodium. Resume movie. Afterwards,really wishes to masturbate while dreaming of DuRob. Cannot.....too scared will shit myself again. Here's hoping we all have a less "shitty" weekend!!!! Love all you hoors!!!

  33. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 5, 2012 at 2:04 AM

    Oh....also found this whilest dallying on Tumblr. Hit me like a slap in the face......fucking Fifty!!!!!

  34. As soon as I get it I will let you know and you can email me your addy and it will be all yours! *smooch*

  35. My DH can be such a dick! So we moved 3 years ago from Ohio to Hawaii -quite a big move, and we had limited space to bring our household items in a container across the water. So a month before my DH leaves to start his new job I beg him to sort through his stuff and decide what to get rid of because we can't take it all with us. he refuses and leaves me to do it before the kids and I join him 4 months later. Now, he's asking where his suits are...what? Those suits are at least 15 years old and won't las night he was pissed and wouldn't speak to me. I told him off via text and refuse to speak to him now...such an ass! He thinks that beecause he had nothing growing up and he works sooooo hard for what he has now that he should just keep everything...that is called hoarding!

  36. Thank you!!! Let me know when you get it cause I'll wait till then to e-mail you my address cause depends on when you send it, cause we're moving to a farm come end of June.

  37. Thanks Meg!

  38. Oh dear!  What did you eat?  Or, do you have a bug?  Or does Rob just mess with all of your bodily functions?  If you ever plan on meeting Rob, use an enema first! 
    ;-) ♥♥♥
    Wonder why so many BTBs are having bowel problems lately? *raises eyebrows*

  39. Does your sister acknowledge that you are super mom and have five million responsibilities on your plate right now???  I only know you from here, and I already know that you are a super-human-parent.  How dare she act so selfish and expect a half of an ounce more than what you already do?  If she wasn't your blood, I would tear her a new hole for you!

    Oh, and that is a super sweet thing for Alie to say... I thinks it's wonderful that she has high self-esteem, and the fact that she thinks your almost as pretty... means you are one HOT BTB... like I didn't already know that!  ;-)Love you!!!  ♥♥♥♥

  40. Watch it!  Or you'll be next!

  41. Your a sweetheart Star! ♥♥♥

    My sister is just an on going problem... it's just so much drama!

  42. Don't warn her! FB needs a little FB! ;)

  43. *gives Marcela a cyber space HUG* I'm sorry your week was shitty :(

  44. what a fucking baby!!! I'm sorry but it's true yeah I would say that's hoarding what a scary thought *-*

  45. oh FUCK YEAH it is!!!!

  46. damn woman what the hell did you eat?! are you okay now?!

  47. ROFLMFAO seriously though I watched it all the way thru without any interruptions and did you watch Jay(Leno) last night Stewy(Kristen) was on the show and Randy Jackson

  48. did anyone watch Kristen last night on Jay Leno?! she looked amazing and had on some FUCK HOT LEATHER PANTS! they almost look like a pair that I have!

  49. I love that last line that is so cute! and I'm sorry your sister is being a pain in the ass my sister can be like that too believe me she has her moments and it drives me crazy! like when she was bitching all over the place aboutour cat Scout she was "marking" her territory and I said to her well dude get her fixed and maybe she won't do it anymore well then she gets pissy with me and I said hey I'm just sayin but whatever *rolls eyes* then finally she gets her fixed and I paid half 80 bucks!! it was two hundered and something fucking dollars to have that cat fixed I remember it being WAY fucking less expensive than that! UGH!!

  50. oh that is so wellsaid!

  51. where are the haters coming from which site is it lead them to me I will BITCH SLAP them to oblivion!!! and A(FUCKING)MEN!!

  52. yeah no kidding I was told along time ago that I need to clam down and just ignore them and not deal with them and not give them satisfaction there is one chick(I don't know if you have seen her screen name before) that goes by the name(this is her screen name) RODICA seriously! and twice she has slammed(or more?) and I ripped into her and another thing her english is REALLY broken and I mean I ripped into  her good and for a very long time she did'nt come on there but once in while she pops(on robsessed) up and you can tell her ass off all ya want she is the DUMBEST GOTDAMN PERSON I HAVE EVER COME ACROSS seriously!!

  53. she has slammed Kristen(RODICA) at least(that I know of) 3 times and she is just a real piece of work and she wants to meet me normally I don't condone violence but this case I will tie her ass to a chair with her ass hangin in the air and spank REAL hard LOL!!!

  54. which site is it Marcela and I willBITCH SLAP them!!


  56. *HUGS* aaaaww get well soon babe!

  57. have a drink on me!! *smirks*

  58. LMAO!!!!! love it

  59. my condolences ;)

  60. whaaaaaatttt?! *in a sarcastic voice* well that makes sense!! IDIOTS!!

  61. DAMN THESE PEOPLE ARE A BUNCH OF MORONS! I am sooo sorry about that well I have something that could cheer you up Kristen was on Jay Leno last night and on the BD site they have the clips from the show go check it out she has on a really FH outfit and she looks good!!

  62. FUCK.TARDS.!!!

  63. well that sucks hairy balls! I mean if they want you to vote then dammit let it HAPPEN!! those FUCKTARDS!!

  64. my sentiments exactly!!

  65. amen! me niether! its stoopid who cares?! I would rather see Rob at the GGA's or the Oscars dressed in  FH make me cum suit!!

  66. so well said!

  67. Thank you for the tip! I didn't know she was on! I will check it out!

  68. Where ar ethe btbs? I'm rewally fucking druk! hehehe! Friends 30th birthday and they wrre all making me feel young.... saying I had to drink the mst cause I'm only 26.... and ya this post will make no sense!!! Lobve you bitches! 

  69. okay note to self... don't post while drunk!!! lol. Hubby says I'm a bitch cause no hangover for me! :) Where is everyone? It's been so quiet in here... oh I know all of you are watching Bel Ami!!! :(

  70. LOVE YA TOO BABE! ha haha oh you are SO wasted!

  71. helllooooooo!! *flashes tits* now that I have your attention did you get my announcement the other day that Cosmopolis will be in Canada

  72. yeah go on and you will see the clips from the show :)

  73. Yah I figured we were more safe with Cosmopolis considering Cronenberg is Canadian.

  74. I saw them, thank you! She looked sooo beautiful, amazingly gorgeous. I fucking love her so much. Someone on here said it not too long ago: "I don't know who is luckier, Rob or Kristen."

  75. That seems like a good price to me, but everything here seems more expensive compared to the states, we even pay more for fuel even though the Province I live in is one of the biggest producers of Oil.... ugh! $90 to fill my fricken van and hubby's truck... ya don't even go there!

  76. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 9, 2012 at 9:33 PM

    Very late replying...sorry....honestly? Bad salmon! NEVER AGAIN! Oh and if I ever met Rob,Id shit myself an enema would be useless. Im sure Id make a HUGE impression on him! LOL!

  77. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 9, 2012 at 9:34 PM

    Bad salmon. Never,ever going to O' Charley's again! Better now....thanks!! :D

  78. Interviewer: "Rob, what is the strangest fan encounter you have ever had?"
    Rob: "Well, once, this lady shit her pants..."
    You would be famous!!!!

  79. BolansCatBlack (Joan)May 10, 2012 at 11:16 PM

    LMAO! It's true! But would I be famous or infamous? Id forever be known as "The Shit Lady". I can hear Rob now "Hey Kristen,remember The Shit Lady?"    Kristen: "Hell yeah,she was soooooo fucking gross! Smelled like a sewer,too"
