Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I'm only 10 chapters into Fifty/Grey and I love it. It makes me feel all the emotion I felt with Twilight. Never thought that would happen again.

I had listen to everyone talk and rave about Fifty but I was thinking it's just a sex story. But it's so much more. So I have to apologize to ALL my lovely BTBs for not joining the Fifty Elite Club. It's really beyond great.

This song popped in my head this morning when I started to reload all of what I've read so far. I think we should create a soundtrack for Fifty. Yah? Nah?

And I can't do this post without this song.

*evil grin*

I'm finally on-board and I never plan to get off the CG train.
*blows kisses to all BTBs*


  1. I can't find the damn books anywhere and they cost a fuck ton on Amazon.

  2. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 25, 2012 at 6:46 AM

    Good morning! so glad your loving it!

    El James made a soundtrack to all her books. It's under her name on YouTube!

    sex on Fire is on her fifty soundtrack! :)

    ***dont bite that lip!***

  3. Are you serious? I got my books from Amazon and I got all 3 for under $30.

  4. I've always nibbled on my bottom lip and now I take it as a badge of honor!

  5. Welcum to the World of Fifty Shades, Baby!!!

  6.  OMG! You have no idea...actually yes you do. LOL

    I have to go workout but after I'm done with that and a shower I'm back into the World of Fifty. *giggles with excitement*

  7. My co-worker is reading it too...She takes it one chapter at a time, slowly, to make sure she enjoys the ride! Sorry, but I had to read it hard and fast, then go back and do it again.

  8. I love KOL...I get wet listening to those sexy, raspy singing Rob's! I have been known  to YouTube Robert Pattinson Singing on my TwiPad, plug in my headphones, and drive to work squirming my way thru traffic...mmmmmmm

  9. I got them for free as a download since I work for the publishing company. I can see if I can email you the files?

  10. Bite that fuckin lip!!!!


  11. Sex on Fire makes me move my hips and press against that little sewn hard piece of fabric in the seam of my jeans....if you know what I'm sayin ;)

  12.  I re-read the sex scene three times. It was off the fucking chart hot!

  13. Awwwww I'm so glad you are loving it!!! 

    It only adds fuel to our perviness!! LOL 

  14. Oh I know what you are sayin' *squirms on chair* LOL

  15. You thought I was dirty before...oh Lord! Wait till I finish these books.

  16. UNF!!! I love it when it catches me by surprise, Oh I love Pandora, randomly will add Rob to my playlist

  17. UNF!!!!! I know!! 

    Good thing hubby was home that day when I first read it! I attacked him like a jaguar! LOL

  18. Yep! That's was me too!! Fast and hard first! LOL 

  19. This will be us!

  20. Sorry I was in shock. Are you serious! I fucking love you!

  21. 100% serious...I see no reason why emailing you the files wouldn't work. You'd need to download an Adobe digital reader if you don't already have them. 

  22. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 25, 2012 at 9:20 AM

    Yaaay!!! :D Glad you're liking the book so far. And don't judge a book by it's cover or from what you heard. Twilight isn't just a book about a glittering fairy princess, his dumb ass girlfriend and a hot shirtless werewolves. Neither is Fifty all about sex. :P 

    It certainly did bring back some of Twilight's feelings. By the way, is anyone planning to re-read it or the series before BDp2? I've started with Twilight and just realised how much they missed in the movie!  Just little scenes and stories that could have made it slightly better. Or how Edward's glitter shit isn't glitter. It's supposed to be shining diamonds, so I imagined like Emma Frost in X-Men First Class. :/ 


  24. Squee! I'm excited! Okay please don't laugh. I made this when I was ten and never changed it.

    You're a fuckin doll!

  25. I'm about to re-read Fifty!  I try not to read a book close to the movie's release date.  When a book is fresh in my mind, I tend to over-analyze and nit-pick at the movie.   When it's been a while since reading a book, little details start to fade away and it makes the movie stand out better on it's own.  Does that make any sense? 

  26. Sent. Hopefully you get them =)

  27. Hmmm...I've read the Twilight Saga 7 times, not sure I'll read it again before BD Pt2 comes out. I still have to get through Cosmopolis before it comes out. My daughter and I have read the Inheritance Series (dragons & elves) and I am trying to get through the last book of 859 pages - ugh! But I read so much fan fic that it's hard to read a real book again!

  28. I became so much dirtier after reading Fifty.  Do I even want to know how much dirtier YOU are going to get???

  29. Wholly shit!  I'd like some of that action!

  30. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 25, 2012 at 9:47 AM

    That's a much better idea. At least you don't have to go through the pain and torture of complaining about things. I do, unfortunately, put myself through that. :/

  31. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 25, 2012 at 9:48 AM

    I've only read it twice, so this counts as third. I've just finished Game of Thrones book 1. And I'm sort of jumping around from it to Lord of The Rings to this. Depends on my mood, I suppose. 

  32. If you prefer book form, I saw them on sale last week at B&N. (It was the first book, but the others might be there as well).

  33. I still do... trust me. I just have a bad memory, so I use it in my favor. Well, I guess I held on to more with Twilight than Harry Potter. With Twilight, there are so many complaints... even years after reading... But, HP, I forgot a lot of stuff.

  34. I like to imagine that I just asked him if he would fuck me every single day for the rest of my life...

  35. Phew! I thought I was going to have to get my own rocks off just by watching you. Thank you for including me. *slap* ♥♥♥

  36. I remember alot of the  songs she picked-toxic is one of them

  37. JIMD-Fangbanger-BTBApril 25, 2012 at 9:58 AM

    Yep. Although I could barely remember anything about BD, but seeing as I never liked the book, I never really paid attention to it. 
    With HP, I just never re-read the books again. That last one hit me like a train. Never want to put self through that kind of pain ever again. And I guess, them splitting the book into two movie, was a marvellous judgement, and yet, still people complain about how many were missing from it.  

    In the end, we could never have high hopes for book to movie conversions. Nothing will ever match the way we see the book's world from our eyes. We could only hope they do the book a bit of justice and respect. It's why 'The Hunger Games' movie did an absolutely smashing job, IMO. Yes, they change some parts and deleted characters, but there's something about the fact that the author get to write the script and choose the casts and help with setting and producing it , that made the movie somewhat similar to the book. That certainly did not happen with HP and Twilight. There's no sense of dedication, you know? 

  38. Their FIRST sex scene you re-read three times??  Wow, with the sex that is still to cum, you are going to get stuck on repeat..... over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.... you're not going to ever close your book!

  39. "Sex on Fire" fucking rocks.... and the song "Arms"... perfect, amazing!

    I found this song on EL James playlist... it made me cream, very sexy:

    (lyrics are in the description) 

  40. I've only read it twice too,  BD being the book I like the least in the series... But hey I think I'll re-read it anyways ;) 

  41. LOL!!!!! We still love you! But now you got them right?! 

  42. Aurora23❤BTB❤®April 25, 2012 at 6:59 PM

    Damn! Sorry late to the gif humping!  

    Um yeah that is totally us!

  43. I can't open them! *wails* My Adobe Reader says there's something wrong with the files.

  44. No, my Adobe Reader is being an asshole and won't let me open them as epub. It only accepts PDFs. *throws things* FUCKERS!!!

  45. Arms gave me goosebumps when I listened to the words. OMG!


  46. There will be never be a reason for you to EVER do that! Now get that sexy ass over here.

  47. These books are sooo good it would be worth selling a few hand jobs to a couple of frat guys on campus.

  48. I just might have to resort to that cuz my adobe reader is an asshole!
