Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday Venting Post!

It's Friday and it's been a long ass week!

And I just wanna vent...
*takes deep breath*

WTF Seriously, unless you live under a fucking rock in the middle of the fucking forest you have heard about TWILIGHT!
A person walks into my office yesterday and asks "Who's that" pointing to my Cardboard Edward, which I respond "Oh, that's my boyfriend Edward". He then says "is he famous?", I'm like what the fuuuuck?? So I respond "yeah, he is Edward Cullen from the Twilight Series, you know the books, the movies... VERY VERY FAMOUS?", so he just shrugs and says "Never heard of it..."

Seriously?? I hate it, because I know he's lying!! Fucking assholes, I don't care if you are not a Twilight Fan, but man, really... Don't come to my office and lie to my face!

Rant over...

Wanna bitch about something?? Leave you messages below ♥♥♥
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!!! 


  1. *turns around to kiss Cardboard Edward*

    I'm sorry he upset you my love *smooch*

  2.  Oh fuck! Please give me the number and extention to his desk!!! I want to call him and tell him I'm with the asshole police and we have a warrant for his smart-ass. And the warrant is filed under ASS.

  3. LOL!!

    Dude seriously, I'm used to people going "yuck" when they see my office decor (LOL) but hey, we can't all like the same shit so I'm ok with it, but pretend you have no idea what Twilight is?? C'mon! 

  4. I was so mad!! 

  5. I hope you took it upon yourself to junkpunch him...I mean..that's no joking matter!  The very fact that you had the lifesize cutout of Rob in the first place should inform anyone entering your 'domain' that you are not to be fucked with where Twilight or more importantly ROB is concerned! lol
    I am pretty sure I would have had an earful for said dumbass and by the time he walked OUT of my office...he would seriously consider ever walking back in!!! lmfao

  6. I would be like "o yeah?? he looks a helluva lot better than the pictures of those kids of yours!!"  draw blood!!  I mean..."YUCK"????    I don't think so!!  So sit're gettin' your three wishes!!

  7. God I love y0u!!! LOL

  8. LOL!!!!

    "I said SEAT DOWN!" *grabs ruler*

  9. I fuckin' LOVE Blues Brothers!!! 
    you rock Marcela!!!

  10. I know some people who are too fuckin' full of themselves...with their stick shoved up their ass to acknowledge that all the Scary Movies...are funny as hell!  I've laughed my ass off at every damn one of them!  Thanks for the memories Marcela~!

  11.  Has that guy been in a coma for 4 years? Seriously, how can he not know Twilight *rolls eyes* Love that you have a cardboard Edward in your office !!!

  12. and mugs, and cups, and calendars,and pictures and my screen saver and magnets... Yeah... people may think I'm a fan LOL

    (I'm my defense, most of what I own has been given to me as gifts!! LOL)

  13. First of all I'm jealous as hell you have Edward keeping you company at work!
    Second that guy deserves a Face Punch!
    Third: you get some really crazy pictures when you Google Image "Face Punch"

  14. Me too!!!! I love them, I laugh every time, even tho I know whats coming! LOL

  15. That sounds like one fucking fantastic place to work! ( i mean your office not that dumbass of a collegue)

  16. *smooches*

  17. That cardboard Edward makes him look like he has Frankenstein feet... LMAO!!!  You do know what they say about BIG feet, right???  LOL!!!

  18. You should have kicked his vagina... just sayin'... LOL!!!

  19. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!

  20. Seriously... even my 84 yr. old nana knows who Edward is!!!

    Are people really going out of their way to piss me off today?!?!

    Another person just walked into my office (and older lady this time) and asked "Who is that" Again.. I said Edward from the Twilight series... 
    She replied "no idea what you're talking about, but he looks like my son when he was young... now he's old, and not that cute"


    First of all: My door is kept closed for a reason (i'm not that friendly)
    Second: leave me alone
    and third: Why does everyone pretending not to know what twilight is, the baby in AZ's womb knows, EVERYONE FUCKING KNOWS!!!!


  22. I'm a patient educator and advocate at a cancer center, I see patients in another room so my office is mine and mine only!!! LOL

    it's a Twilight Room, I used to get people over all the time to take pictures with my stuff, I'm like a museum or some shit LOL 

  23. It's Giffing Friday dude! LOL

  24. Even My fucking son knows

  25. I couldn't.... LOL

  26. Man, you're right! LOL

    He looks like he's wearing some kind of orthopedic shoe!!

    Oh Disableward I still love you! 

  27. How about lets talk about how fuckn tired i am. Love my infant daughter but jesus 4 nights of not much sleep i'm turning into a zombie.  Not done with rant I'll get back to ya later damn RL

  28. Sorry your having a bad day M!

    Fuck those aholes! They don't know good stuff!

  29. Oh, mama... I understand!  I will be going through that all over, again, in June, July, Aug., etc.... FML!!!  LOL!

    Try waking her when she wants to sleep, so that you can try changing her sleeping patterns.  We did that with my son, and it seemed to work because he began sleeping through most of the night (6 hours) by his 2nd month.  Good luck!

  30. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  *Cannot. Breathe!*

    "He's old now, and not that cute!"  OMFG!!!  Best. Line. Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Damn straight my baby girl in utero knows who makes her mama horny enough to make babies with her daddy!!!  LOL!

  31. So does my 3 yr. old son!!!

  32. LMFAO!!!

    Perhaps it is the same shoe that the old lady's "old son" wears???  LOL!

  33. LMFAO!!!!!!!  Perfect!!!

  34. You know it!!!  ;-)

  35. Sounds like all you need in your Vegas office now is an Elvis impersonator...  LOL!

  36. Stay strong baby girl!!!! :)

    Kids will be the death of us! I have 2 boys (4 & 2 years old) AND GOD I'M HAPPY THEY DON'T WAKE UP AT NIGHT ANY MORE!!!!!! 

    I feel you mamma! I truly do!!! ♥♥♥

  37. LOL!!!!!

    I KNOW!!!! That made me so angry! LOL Implying Rob won't be cute in a few years it's NOT OK!

  38. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who says I don't already!?

    *wiggles eyebrows*

    The only problem is he has no teeth and smells like sewage....


  39. JUNKPUNCH!!!!!!

  40. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!! 

    *shudders* Seriously that just gave me the creeps!!!

    *looks around* 



  42. This is my sentiment about the old hag...

  43. I love that show...but for the life of me, I don't remember this shot!  Barney Stinson cracks me up always! and we share the same last name.

  44. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!  

    Why do I ever doubt you???  LOL!

    I hope to meet you in person some day!!!  XOXOXO!!!!

  45. LMFAO!!!  I bet her son is as creepy as Edward watching Bella sleep!!!

  46. LMFAO!!!  That's one BIG vagina hole, or it slipped and got lost up his asshole!!!

  47. LOL!!!! But he is REALLY CREEPY and lives in her basement... where he stores his collection of chewing gums he gets from under the tables... 

  48. Why not!! ♥♥

    We are not that far away, and we must have a BTB convention SOON! 

  49. I don't know, but I'm afraid what may happen if I get stuck, Shit I may have to re-birth myself again from that giant vag hole! Ewwwwww (too far??) LOL

  50. *Shudders & pukes*

    I would not doubt that her "old son" lives in her basement! Yikes!

  51. I can symphatize... I have a five year old son and a two ( almost three) year old daughter. My girl was having stomach cramps the last two nights and she behave terrible today and yesterday due lack of sleep.

  52. I have not been to Vegas since Feb. 2010, but we are long overdue for a trip there!

    ITA! We need to have a BTB convention in Vegas soon!!! I'm in, Bitches!!!

  53. Never too far here!!! LMFAO!!!

    Or, you can just wait till he takes a shit and the shoe will be removed that way... Ewwww!!!!! LOL!

  54. wow,  i understand that your job can be difficult from time to time, you now emotionally. So it's a good thing you have a SUPER office like that to relax. I'm a historian but for now i'm a stay at home mum, till the kids are older .

  55. I'm gonna take the opportunity here and just bitch about something OT.  why is it that whenever I sit my ass down at the computer, the same family who otherwise ignores me when I try and talk to them, picks that very time to ask me 20 questions and turn the tv up loud so I can't concentrate on anything? Makes me wish I had a room with a door and a lock to tell them I need an hour...just ONE FUCKIN' HOUR of peace and quiet and nobody wanting to know where the milk is...we ALL know the fuckin' milk is in the damn refrigerator!! where the fuck ELSE would it be???   IT'S MILK!!!!!


    how'd I do?  did I vent properly? I think I did...I certainly feel better :D  

  56. :( I hope baby girl starts sleeping better for you! She sure is a cutie though! :) 

    If it's any consolation Alie who is 2.5 has been sleeping pretty crappy! She is having horrible leg pains so I'm having to dope her up every night. Her doctor said to expect this though cause she's tall for her age and is just going to keep getting taller. On my 5.5 year old nephew she comes up to his eyebrows! 

  57. Well Rob has better genes than her son, obviously! lol 

  58. LMFAO!!!!!!!

    *puts colander on the bathroom* LOL 

    I'm not making spaghetti's for a while now! LMFAO!

  59. LMFAO I can so picture that Marcela! You get 'em girl! Ignorant fucking pricks! 

  60. My daughter has known since she was a baby who Rob is! Instead of books I catch her looking at my Rob magazines... lol. One of these days I'll have to take a picture and post it on here.... lol. 

  61. Sounds like the Dugger's clown car! lol. 

  62. OMG FB!!!! Have I told you lately how much I fucking love you!

  63. Of course she does, she's going to be part of the next generation of BTBs!

  64. Why do you go home? lol. No wonder your always horny and humping your computer, your surrounded by Edward! 

  65. I've never been to Vegas.... yah I fucking suck! lol.

  66.  No you haven't! *puts hand behind ear and pushes it out*

    I'm waiting......

    Here's our song. I'll be Tim McGraw since I'm in the south. And you can be Faith since you have kids. lol

  67.  Oh no he di'int! He looks serious.

    *puts hands up and backs up slowly*

  68. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!

    Don't worry about the spaghetti... I am sure that you will have plenty of corn to pick out... LOL!!!


  70. LMFAO!!!

    *AZ takes BIG sock and slaps BTB-Meg with it... on the ass!*

  71. Seriously??? WTF???!!! I know, I know... You live in Canada!

    Can you make it to Vegas if we plan a BTB convention there???

  72. I am almost sure that he karate kicks like Marcela, too! LOL!

  73. Well done! ;-)

  74. I would hope I can! I'd need notice cause I need to get a new passport and plan and all that fun shit! lol.

  75. *appaulds* you did well! as for me my family is not your typical famliy my mom died 18 years ago and my dad died five years ago and my sister own the house out right and I have to share the computer with my nephew and my niece my nephew drives me crazy sometimes he is almost 18 and whenever(and it's all the time) I am opn the computer  he comes into the famliy room and rolls his eyes and sl;ams the door because he is mister dram king heavn forbid I should on be ont he computer (little shit) and he just looks at me like OH FUCK and goes out then about ten minutes later comes back again asking if he can use the computer afte acting like an ass I love my nephew and my neice(my neice is almost 20 and she is way more polite)but my nephew can be a dram king  *o*

  76. Isn't that always the case with us FB?

  77. I manet my sister AND I own the house out right lol!

  78. I fucking love you my FB! If your Tim and I'm Faith that makes you my baby daddy! Let's go make some more! ;)

  79. ya know as the saying goes there is ALWAYS an asshole in every corner of the world and I am sorry you had a shitty day get yourself a beer when you get home and tell everyone you want an hour or so to yourself and read fifty shades of grey that should cheer you up ;)

  80. aaaawwww *gives Angela a massage*

  81. my bff's(late) son used to have growing pains when he was little real bad and he past away(at 21) in 2005 he had cystic fiboris :(

  82. That would be cool to finally meet most of the BTBs in person!!! Vegas would never be the same with all of us there!!!

  83. I bet ya do! ;-)

  84. why was she having stomach cramps poor thing and poor you! :(

  85. thank god! lol!

  86. Oh you know me so well AZ! ;)

  87. Not really bitching. 
    Just wanted to say that I watched 'Drive' today! And damn, Ryan Gosling is really good in this! But all this violence and blood! Holy shit!!! Hope I can sleep tonight! LOL

  88. We BTBs are cut from the same dirty cloth! LOL!

  89. Awww......I really  love you guys. thank you for the uplifting words. She is 4months old now. she had been sleeping wounderfully only having to wake until 4 in the morning for a bottle. Now she has been feeding like a motherfucker. growthspurt plus I think she may be ready for real solid food. i've been trying to hold out until we see her Dr on monday but i think i'm going to say fuck that and feed her some cereal. My son was the same age when i started giving him some.

  90. I forgot I'm friends with you on FB so u have seen my pics

  91. lol gee thanks... ;) Your profile pic is seriously cute though!

  92. Yes, indeed!!!

  93. Well my son is now 6 and he's been sleeping thru the night  by the time he was almost a year and a half. I forgot how much it fuckin suckd having an infant.

  94. *gives Marcela a massage*

  95. *standing ovation*

    HECK YEAH! You tell'em sister!! 

    Husbands can be such idiots, brilliant minded in some things, but I'll be damned if he could dress a child!!! 

  96. LMAO!!!!!

    Hubby kicked Edward out of the house! LOL

    That bastard, but Edward lives happily in my office teehee

  97. You guys got romantic *pulls out the candles and chocolate covered strawberries* LOL

  98. Oh I saw that movie!!!

    It's good, and Ryan G is soooo good, so serious and mentally fucked...

    UNF so good! 

  99. LMAO Marcela. Doesn't FB bring that out in all of us? lol.

  100. UGH Hubby's suck! lol. Edward should be in the bedroom where he belongs! ;)

  101. What can I say? She's a smart girl! lol.

  102. I know! 
    Just one look is enough to faint! LOL
    He doesn't even have to talk! Sexy Motherf*****!

  103. Marcela, I found a Bel Ami gif! OMG
    Spoiler Alert but......

  104. My vent is well more of a complaint! I don't want to goto the store to get the stuff to make Shepherd's Pie for supper and to make cupcakes for the kids for this weekend.... Plus taking 3 kids to the store isn't always fun... lol. 

  105. Go with your gut mama. If you think she's ready for real food give it a try! Good luck! 

  106. Fuck I still haven't seen it.... I fucking love Ryan Gosling though.... mmmmmm *bites lip* Not as much as Rob though..... hey an idea for a post..... Ryan and Rob!!! ;) There would definitely be some BTB flooding from me then! lol. 

  107. A year and a half? I bow down to you BTB I couldn't do that for a year and a half.... 

  108. There is a lot of violence though, like people get shot in the face or stabbed but RyGos was hot! :-) He just sits in the car and stares.....UNF

  109. LOL, very well done! You got me all rilled up!! Grrrrr.... [now I want milk]

    My family has FINALLY -- 4 years later -- learned that the saying, "Someone's going to lose a head if they keep bugging me when I'm busy!", holds very true!!! And some hands ant eos if I'm in a bad mood!!! ♥

  110. Not really a rant... but have some issues with the last ff I read.  I really did like it, but there were some WTF?  moments...
    1. Ed talks about how much Bella smells... he loves the smell... apparently it's a good smell to him... but I don't think clean cooters are really supposed to smell that potent... kind of turned me off a bit... I hardly ever smell like anything, even when the towels under me are soaking wet... just sayin'.
    2. Ed asked Bella to put her finger in his ass... WTF????  The only way I would do that, is if Rob begged me to... but MEN are not supposed to really WANT that... are they???
    3. He's a painter.. he paints her body parts sometimes (usually in tasteful ways)... he painted one of her asshole, but not her cooter... What the fuck is his obsession with assholes?... don't get me wrong... a little doorbell ringing is cool with me, but give it a rest.
    4. Bella woke up one morning to see Ed asleep with her cat's asshole very close to his head, so she shooed it away.

    Give the asshole a rest, will ya!?

  111. When isn't Ryan hot? lol. I even thought he was hot on Breaker High but I was also like 11 years old when that show was on! lol.

  112. He is fucking hot! Also he has a fucking huge penis! That is why all the ladies love him! He is HUNG!

  113. Yah it's not bad sometimes.... my kids aren't as close in age as yours though Marcela. Austin is almost 10 so he's a huge help! This time though I stopped by hubby's store to talk to him and the boys were fighting so hubby made them stay and put them to work in the store so it was just Alie and I and we got to goto Starbucks and it wasn't bad at all!

  114. That is a very proper vent!  Love it!

  115. I LOATHE busy weekends like that.  Sometimes I just want to be that lazy mom that pisses me off so much because she is never there to pull her weight in the classroom and neglects her kids.... Sorry,  I help out a lot at the school, and there are a couple of parents who don't do shit and don't pay their monthly $dues and I just seethe when I think about  it.

  116. IKR??? I don't know how I would survive if I had more than two kids.  Moms with three or more are like WonderWoman to me!

  117. You two sound like awesome parents!  I love the way you talk about your kids... I can feel your love for them!  It's so sweet!


  118. I agree with MegO.  Go with your gut. I started my first boy on food at an early age as well, (3 or 4 months) he was so small when he was born (4 weeks early) and he didn't nurse perfectly... he gained well, but he had so much catching up to do.  So he got a little of "solid" food as well as the boob. ;-)

  119. Sounds like someone likes the anal! Sounds like a weird FF to me..... did you just get started into the FF world? I have some of the amazing ones that are pulled if ya ever need a hook up! ;)

  120. My weekends are always busy cause both boys play competitive hockey. In fact the 6 year old has 3 games on Saturday and I thought we'd have a break until Summer but just found out the 9 year old wants to play Spring hockey so we'll get about a 3 weeks break now... lol. 

  121. It's not bad cause between my oldest and youngest is an almost 7 year age difference. 

  122. Okay now your making me blush.... lol. I'm trying my best but a lot of days I enjoy bedtime! :)

    Oh and my Shepherd's Pie fucking rocked tonight.... so full! lol. 

  123. Evening's my rant for the day: I was watching alittle of the Hunger Games premiere coverage and PFach took his daughter. Well Shaun whats-her-name from Access Hollywood started on the whole which series is better shit. PFach did the politically correct thing and said that there is no competition and why can't fans love HG, Twilight and HP? There is enough love to go around! Then I see another clip and someone asks Liam Hemsworth if he thinks he'll be the next Robert Pattinson - WTF is that all about! There is not NEXT Robert Pattinson...the fame that came out of the Twilight Saga was unexpected and it just seems to me that the HG people are "planning" their fame. Something like Twilight doesn't come around that often and your can't plan the reaction of the fans. I want to see HG and I have enjoyed all the HP movies as well - that doesn't make me less of a Twilight fan!

  124. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 17, 2012 at 3:35 AM

    I'm not sure, i think it's got to do with the fact that she sometimes eats really well and the other day she doens't want to eat much. that makes her stomach upset, she's a typical two year old testing mommy and daddy. Her name is Leah too by the way! My sons name is Aaron.

  125. It's actually not a bad book. But, I think I'm going to go back and edit that post. I'm sure there are plenty of BTBs who would like to read it, and my comments are full of spoilers. ;-)

  126. Hannah VerschuurenMarch 17, 2012 at 9:39 AM

    Did you mean last tango in forks?

  127. I'm sure it was delicious! :-)

  128. Did you read it? I just deleted most of my comment because it was wrong of me to list so many spoilers. LOL!

  129. Yeah! LOL! Like I said, I don't have a particular aversion to the back side, but that is very personal and I have learned that I really don't like reading about it... it's not very sexy. I have become a FF junkie lately... Fifty was the beginning of my obsession, and I can't live without Ed/Bella sex anymore... I'm a fiend!!! I've read The Office, Wide Awake, and Last Tango in Forks... don't know what my next one will be yet.

  130. THREE GAMES IN ONE DAY??? That sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.. for the kids and the parents! And now your looking forward to ANOTHER season?? I'm so sorry!

  131. No not yet. I 'm almost finished with the Office. I'm going to read it after that. Already got it on my notebook. I didn't mind the spoilers :)

  132. I know what you mean...I have a husband and 3 teen/almost teen daughters who can't find their way out of a paper bag sometimes! My desktop is in the public "computer room" so it's difficult to view some websites *ahem* without prying eyes, that's why I love my TwiPad so much. But some pics and video don't play on the TwiPad so I have to wait until late at night or early morning to see Rob stuff sometimes!!!UGH...

  133. Last Tango in Forks is good, sorry for the spoilers... just a couple little things that "rubbed me the wrong way". I'm somewhat of a prude (as ironic as that sounds)... I'm all about clean (smells, images, tastes, etc.) I love kinky fuckery sex, but spare me the gory details... does that make any sense?? The book is not really gross, but some images (and scents) just stayed with me.

  134. NO ONE CAN TOUCH ROBERT, LIAM... NOBODY!!!!!  Get that straight.... and no one should ever even begin to compare.... THERE WILL NEVER BE A FAIR COMPARISON... EVER!!!!!  That is a good rant, Karen.

  135. Any that you think are good, I would love to have. Just send away! Do you still have my email?

  136. I don't think I still have your e-mail. I have a lot of the good fics...

  137. hahaha yah that's our lives. Ryley did good even if he did make my heart stop twice by crashing hard into the boards and not getting back up.....

  138. I'm not really into any backside stuff but I do love FF! lol. I have a ton on a mediafire account.

  139. I sure loved it... lol. It's almost as good as my Grandma's but I don't use mutton in mine like she does... I use ground beef so technically it should be called cottage pie.... lol.

  140. Send anything you think is good!

  141. Hey I haven't gotten anything yet but I'll definitely send some stuff your way! ☺

  142. At least your's is still standing. My kids broke mine in half. My husband said it's time to get rid of it. I suggested getting rid of the kids.

  143. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! *smooch, smooch, smooch*
