Monday, March 26, 2012


It's official! Fifty will be made into movies! I know many of you wanted this to be picked up by HBO or Showtime. But at least Summgate will have NOTHING to do with it!

Can't wait to start hearing the details!!

Universal Pictures And Focus Features Win ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’

By MIKE FLEMING | Monday March 26, 2012 @ 11:47am

EXCLUSIVE: Ending the wildest book to movie auction in recent and distant memory, Universal Pictures and Focus Features have acquired screen rights to the E.L. James’ steamy novel Fifty Shades of Grey. Focus Features will marketing and distribute the film in partnership with Universal Pictures, whose co-chairman Donna Langley heavily pursued the book.

I’d heard that 10 studio chiefs sweat it out all weekend to get the rights to this book about a 21-year old college student who starts a relationship with a late twenties wealthy and handsome entrepreneur who leads her partner into an S&M and bondage deal where she is his submissive and keeps his emotions repressed. The relationship between Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey deepens in Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed.

I’m not hearing a specific winning bid amount, but I think if you go back to The Da Vinci Code, which sold for around $3 million or a bit higher against 3.5% of gross, this is comparable to what Universal has paid for Fifty Shades of Grey. The author and agent set approvals over things like script, director and lead cast, but they did not insist on a quick progress to production or even a guarantee that all three films would be made. Instead, their priority was to take their time and get it right as they target this love story explored through sexual politics, aimed at women 25-65. Universal looked at the property as an IP as opposed to simply a book. Clearly, the author and her agent weren’t looking to take the money and run.

All the heavy hitters were into this one, talking to one another and scrambling for any kind of advantage on the weekend with author E.L. James and her agent, Valerie Hoskins. This after the two spent a week in Hollywood meeting suitors and producers. They then went into radio silence all weekend while rumors of whopping bids surfaced with upfront sums like $4 million or better against first dollar gross in the 5% neighborhood. That is big money but the book is an undisputed grass roots e-book publishing phenomenon. Those numbers can be made to work because the movie can be made for around $30 million. In essence, bidders considered the book trilogy to be the star, and were willing to pay a star salary for an adult R-rated franchise. All of this culminated as The Hunger Games established itself as a powerhouse book to movie franchise, and it created a perfect storm.

Everybody knew all along that James and Hoskins were going to get paid, so this was not at all about getting the biggest payday. In fact, there were bigger offers on the table that the author could have taken and didn’t. I’m told that one thing that swayed the bidding was this: author and agent got the prestige track record of James Schamus’ Focus Features, backed by the guaranteed passion of Langley, who chased this one hard. That means this was getting the full attention from all of Universal. The author and agent did a similar thing when they set Fifty Shades of Grey up with a publisher. They chose Random House because they wanted the backing and bucks of a big publishing house with a Vintage imprint that gives the trilogy the chance to be regarded as literature and not some trashy sex novel.

Going into the weekend, the studios and monied producers bidding included Warner Bros, Paramount, Fox 2000, Sony Pictures, Universal, Paramount, New Regency, Mandate and Lionsgate/Summit Entertainment, and then Harvey Weinstein got into it hard as it came down to not money, but rather which studio made the best presentation and had the creative track record, something that Weinstein was selling hard, I’d heard.

Will Steamy Novel ’50 Shades Of Grey’ Climax In 7-Figure Deal?
’50 Shades Of Grey’ Has Hollywood Carpooling

This comes after the author, a former TV exec from London, and her agent, who runs VHA in London, met studios, monied production companies and producers over the past week before sending out their requests.



Love Youuuuuu!



  1. You're welcome! I had to share this news! OMG!!!

  2. So, this will be an R+ movie? Better be on the cinema. Wonder who'll get to be the cast!! 

    (Totally just found this website, and all of you lovely people from Orgs and RC)

  3.  You totally eclipsed anything Twilight related! They could release BD2 this week and we would be like...ok, that's cool. lol

  4. Yes! R or maybe NC-17. YUMMY! I think we all know who want casted but who's to say if that will happen. Robsten has definitely shown that give 110% to their roles but I wounder if this would interest them or if their schedule would permit.

    P.S. WELCUM the BTB WORLD! Zero drama here! Stick gets wild. ☺

  5. OHHHHHHHHH *humps monitor*

    HOW AWESOME IS THIS!!!!!!!! 

  6. wohoo! Fuck yeah!

    NC-17 please cause i want to see fucking!

    IF they did it with SHAME and we saw dicks, cooters, & everything under the sun they better do this movie justice to the books!!!

    See this is from the movie SHAME:

  7. Welcome to the BTB world! Drama free & giggles and wiggles galore!


    Love you long time PL!!!

  9. Pretty fuckin' awesome! I just new 2012 would be a great year. Even if it does end on Dec. 21st. LOL

  10. I know I just thought that after posting it! Tehee!

    You have to see SHAME! Such an awesome movie about sex addiction!

  11. Is it out on DVD yet?

  12. This is soooo awesome for Icy...I remember ordering the first book last year and I was soooo excited, I actually e-mailed her and thanked her for bringing MoTU/50Shades to the world. She actually responded and we chatted a little about how great it would be to have R/K in the leads. She made a funny about having to get a casting couch if that were to ever happen - guess what? It's happened! Now we can only keep everything crossed that it goes from our lips (both sets) to the studio execs ears!!!

  13. Nice gif Marcela!

  14. Oh....And Dr. Drew - put that in your pipe and smoke it, you fuckwad!

  15. Another fucktastic shot from Shame! Nice Aurora!

    Today is turning out to be a "fucktasctic" kind of day!

    Disclaimer: I stole the attached image from some wonderful perv out there.

  16. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!

    I FLOVE YOU!!!!!!!!  

  17. long as I get to see Bel Ami, Cosmopolis and BD pt 2 by then I will die a happy muthafucka who's goin' to hell!

  18. You should email her back and say..remember our conversation????


  19. Thanks, BTB- PinkLady!!!!!!! *SMOOCHES*

    Just... WOW!!!!  This is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious FUCKTASTIC news!!!!!!  Now... if only Universal could cast Rob and Kristen in the lead roles!!!!  Fuck me... DEAD!!!!!!!!

  20.  No kidding! He needs to stick with what he knows, crackheads.

  21. ITA!!!  So, so, SO happy for Icy!!!  She has done us all PROUD!!!

    Yessssssssssss!!!  Let's hope and pray the lead roles are at least offered to R & K!!!

  22. I read somewhere that the Mayans did not acknowledge leap years, so technically, we should all be dead by now... or, maybe we are in hell already???  LMFAO!!!!!!!!!


  24. Welcome, JIMD-T-LT!!!!!!!!

    Enjoy the ride with us!!!

  25. Buwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!

  26. You rock, Hunny Bunny... as always!!!!!!!!!!  

  27.  So I've been waxing my legs for nothing????!!! WTF.

  28. I just sent the e-mail....let's see what happens next!

  29. Fuck....and OTR....forgive me Kristen!

  30.  *fingers crossed* I'm gonna die if she replies!!!

  31.  Fuck me! I forgot about OTR. Too much Fifty adrenaline going through our bods rights now. lol

  32. LMFAO!!!  I guess so!

    Just think... if we believed in everything Mayan, our DD tits would be down to our knees already and we would be drinking human blood like the Volturi...  LOL!

  33. OMFG...if Icy was recently in LA discussing this and Rob was recently seen leaving some office could it be that he was meeting about 50Shades????? Sorry but I am on overload this morning and I have a ton of housework that is not getting done.....AAAHHHHH!!!

  34.  Thank God I sleep hanging upside down then. lol

  35. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!

  36. Welcome! you gonna feel right at home here. They just adopted me a while ago and i love it here ;)

  37. Greta news Pink lady! You made my day. *send you a BIG kiss*

  38. Ding a ling a ling.......I saw that penis on the Big Screen and it made me GASP!

  39. Woohoooo, finally! I really want Rob and Kristen in it. We just need to see some serious kinky fuckery! ;o

  40. The BTB family is the strongest in all the land!


  42. OMF King Dong!
    I am very jealous!
    They had it for a minute here at the Sundance, but no way was the hubs taking me to that one!
    I'm eagerly waiting for the DVD!

  43. Amen to that!  And we're getting bigger every day with all those new members an new btb babies. I'm rasing my little girl to be one too ;)

  44. Damn...that boy's got the goods...

  45. Woot Woot...maybe this will hold me over until BA and Cosmopolis...I know it's not Rob but what's a horny BTB to do????

  46. I was trying to move the camer a little lower but DC smacked my hand away...guess we'll have to wait for the movie to see what he's holding onto....THUD!

  47. We should all congrats EL James on her twitter and Facebook pages that she got signed!  

    Add them & follow them and lets start letting her know what we want to see in the movie!Her official Twitter account:!/E_L_JamesOfficial Facebook page: trilogy Facebook page:

  48. Can't wait to learn more from you and that word! LOL!!

  49. Holy Fass-Dong. That damn land shark and his instrument...!!!

  50. *jumps up and down* YAY!!

  51. No kidding that would seriously be a BTBs dream come true!!!

  52. If it's R & K she will need a casting bed!!! LMAO

  53. Bad BTB forgetting SWATH and OTR!!! lol. 

  54. LOL!!! I'm loving you already!!!! I hope I get more time in here tomorrow, these twat waffles here @ work are making me work my ass off today!!!! 


  55. wow this is going to be AMAZING still though I think it should be a mini series for HBO because HBO won't leave ANYTHING out when they put Boogie Nights out that movie was boderline NC-17 now I don't know if it actually became an NC-17 rating or not I really don't remember if it did but this movie just might and also I am if SM has gotton "wind" of this books series Iwould be very coruious to know what her reaction wopul dbe
