Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cosmopolis Meets WTTR


The results are 4 squirting orgasms called Gifs

Holy fuck!!!

Why in the world movies don't cast them together!! 
Their on screen connection (and off) it's unbelievable!! 

Please excuse me while I go change my panties...
*Thanks to whoever made this, you are a dirty bitch and I love you for it... Thank you so fucking much!*


  1. WOW!!! that is amazing!

    the 1st 2 gifs are fucking hot! Perfect!

    ***goes to change panties for the 4th time this morning!***

  2. OMG. That first gif. Of them in a club!Oh god. That's just... I have no words *speechless* 

    That gif with Rob shooting. That scares me. Why would he shoot Kristen? :/ 
    These two could be like Pretty Woman. Rich man needing a prostitute and then ending up falling for her.

  3. This is only the beginning!  I predickt we will see a lot of this in our future!

    Thanks for posting this Marcela!
    and Thank you to the Perv master who put this together!

  4. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwazlpSz5W1r6mib9o1_400.gif

  5. I am so not into Golden Showers, but seeing Rob pissing is somewhat of a turn on...GAH what that man makes us do and think!!!

  6. Wow that first gif..fucking hot!! Instant lady boner

  7. I know, he is turning us into some kinky bastards... I blame him... LOL!

    and BTW I LOL so hard @ your "golden showers" ROTFLMFAO!!!! 

  8. #1 gif: good god!

  9. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m17tmhjwsB1qzojqro1_500.gif

    Yeap, me too! LOL

  10. Fucktastic gifs!!!  Unnnnnnnnfffffff!!!!!!!!!!

    ITA... Rob and Kristen need to be casted in an "R" rated movie that includes sex between the two since their on/off screen chemistry is like no other!!!

  11. Pffffttt!!!!  You know that we would all pay to see that gorgeous man take a shit... just sayin'... Lol!!!

  12. LMAO!!!!!!!

    We'll be there waiting to pass the paper! LOL

  13. Fuck passing the paper!!! Just as I tell my son, I would tell him to bend over and touch his toes... *Wipe, Wipe!* LMFAO!!!

  14. I love the way Rob walks in that last GIF! I watch it over and over, and over...and then over again! ♥
