Sunday, March 25, 2012

BTB Marcela "Hunger Games" Movie Review

*SPOILERS AHEAD! If you have not read the books or seen the movie, move to the next post!!!!*

My humble review:

Well my dear bitches let me tell you that this movie BLEW MY MIND!

Of course I read the books (twice) and there will always be details that will not be included on the movies, but over all, in my opinion the movie fucking rocked!

So overall I loved the film and did not dissapoint. But here are some of the comments I have:

1.- The movie did seem a little too rush, like everything was happening way too fast (exactly like Twilight way too rushed!!) I was like WTF! I've been waiting for this forever and where are my details!? but then I got over it.
2.- I literally LOL When Katniss finds Peeta and he is hiding camouflaged as a fucking rock! I was like WTF?
3.- The customs, clothing and accessories were all awesome, but I was a little disappointed when the "Jewel Dress" looked like a cheap prom dress... still cute tho, and the Capitol people, they were all freaks, just like the book.
4.- The one thing I really liked was all the views of the games from the Gamemaker’s perspective, but at the same time I really feel like it crosses the line a bit. Part of what makes the Capitol so scary is you don’t know what they do behind the scenes.
5.- I also couldn’t take President Snow seriously, which sucked because he was honestly the only character that I had a clear image of in my head (I imagined him looking like John Waters lol) I can’t be afraid of him when he looks like Santa, or Colonel Sanders from KFC. I can’t.6.- Fucking Lenny Kravitz rocked as Cinna, I love Cinna & his fabulous gold eyeliner. Effie and her awkward lines, rocked too!
7.- I for real thought I was going to have to leave when Rue died. I was like holy shit I’m going to start whimpering and crying out loud. My face was all sorts of dumb looking, spasming & my chin quivering. You could hear others around me, including a grown man, whimpering and sobbing so I felt a little better about it but still, holy crapballs *sobs*

So yeah. 

What did you think?!?! 
Leave your comments below! 


  1. Oh! and the awkward moment when Peeta grabs Katniss braid before the berries, I was like uh? 

  2. Being one out of probably over a million who has never read the books( I know crazy) I went to see it yesterday and the clothing in the city freaked me the fuck out. I have to admit it was good although I'll probably never be as into them as I am with Twilight which is mostly because of the God that is.... you know who I'm talking about.

    K I'm done!

  3. oh that's really cool I am glad you liked it :)

  4. agree: Fucking Fantastic!
    I feel like I should rate it like : 2 balls and an erect cock!
    - but only cause I'm with my BTB's.

    I had hot date night with the hubs, and he gives it a 5/5 and said he'd see it again.

    Can't wait  for the sequels!

  5. I have no idea how i missed that fucktastic interview by NGtv!

    LMAO!  Sex dolls, sex swings, man scaping - I love it!

    P.S. - I cried like a baby when Rue died  :(

  6. ARayOfSunshine(Nida)March 26, 2012 at 1:05 PM

    Loved the movie, but hated the camera work! I almost got sick  of all those blurs, camera shakings and crazy close-ups. 
    I think the camera direction took away from what was otherwise a very enjoyable movie. So I give 8/10
    And I can't wait for next movies!!:))

  7. Hey stranger! How have you been?? You need to comment ALOT more! *wink*

  8. ARayOfSunshine(Nida)March 27, 2012 at 3:22 AM

    Oh love, life is a bitch! I don't have much time  so I just try to please myself by reading your fucktastinc posts and those kinky comments, love you girls!<3

  9.  LMFAO @GIF!!!   

    RL is a bitch and loves to try to bring us BTBs down but it never will. You know this is your 2nd home and we're always here! *smooch*

  10. ARayOfSunshine(Nida)March 27, 2012 at 9:18 AM

    LOL was it in book?
    Because of all things you chose to do, you chose to admire her braid?!?! like really?!?REALLY?!!! KISS HER!
    I was laughing my ass off! but I can't say I didn't like it, It was cute and like awww sweet. Well Team Peeniss because Katpee is just too much!lol

  11. ARayOfSunshine(Nida)March 27, 2012 at 9:22 AM

    Ahhh thank you, love!! It Rally IS like 2nd home, and you are the best bitches I know!

  12. LMFAO!!!!!!! YES!!!! That first gif!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    He just randomly grabs her braid! it like WTF?! LOL

    I FLOVE YOU Nida!!!! We've missed you!!! ♥♥♥

  13. Well I finally sat down and read the book. The book was good it definitely didn't draw me in like Twilight but I enjoyed it. Now I just have to go see the movie!
