Tuesday, February 21, 2012


This pic makes me so happy! I love seeing Robsten as a real couple in real life. Chillin', smokin' and drinking out of plastic cups. Makes me adore their realness even more.

So, this was a birthday party for Scout (who played with Kristen in The Runaways). And the party was themed by Dirty Dancing.

How many BTB twists can we add to all the cute quotes from Dirty Dancing? I'll start...

I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to LeMonster Cock!



  1. This has me thinking. They should remake Dirty Dancing and you know I think should play Baby and Johnny? tee hee

    I think Kristen can pull of Jewish. What do you think?

  2. I could play Baby!!  I can pull off Jewish (all though I am not..... I'm Spanish/English/French with a nose that could almost pass as Jewish. ;-) LOL!)

    My dad used to tell me when I was a teenager, that I looked like Jennifer "Grey"..... gosh I like the sound of this more and more, as I type....

    So, it's settled...Rob and I will remake Dirty Dancing!

  3. I could play Baby!!  I can pull off Jewish (all though I am not..... I'm Spanish/English/French with a nose that could almost pass as Jewish. ;-) LOL!)

    My dad used to tell me when I was a teenager, that I looked like Jennifer "Grey"..... gosh I like the sound of this more and more, as I type....

    So, it's settled...Rob and I will remake Dirty Dancing!

  4. In my wildest dreams!  

  5. Sorry, I fucked up the flow of this thread.   Typed things in the wrong place, the wrong order, and had to edit.... none of my blabber makes any sense anymore... not that it ever did.

  6. For clarification... I was never as pretty as Jennifer.... I think my dad was was trying to point out that I had a large nose... in the nicest way possible. LOL!

  7. Okay fucking Rob in his buzz cut is making me want to fell fuzzy in between my thighs w/ a flick of his tongue! :p

    Okay let me get to a quote:

    K & R in the dance studio singing along and crawling to each other on the floor

    K: " Rooobbbbbb oooooh wooooo, oh my sweet Rrroooobbbbbb, your the one"

  8. I doubt that very seriously! Every dad thinks of his little girl as "Baby".


  9. Nice image... crawling!!!!   
    I can see Kristen pulling off the role as Baby, but I don't think Rob could be a "dancer"... I mean that in the nicest way possible... I think Rob can "move" beyond our wildest dreams..... but a dancing man is way too fem....  I'd prefer not to imagine Rob dancing on screen... 
    Now, in my bedroom he can gyrate, bump, and grind any way he wants.  UNF!

  10. I can't begin to tell you how much I LOOOOOOOVE the "meat" that Rob has put on his "bones" as of late.  Do you see those meaty arms and broad shoulders?  That pic of him in the mirror in Bel Ami as well...   I just want to wrap my legs around every inch of his meaty body!   UUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNFFFFFFFFFF!

  11. Baby:  "Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you."
    That line seems very "Fifty-ish"... No?!

  12. Kristen: so, Rob, how many women have you been with? (from the after sex scene)
    Rob: all of the BTB's of course.....

  13. This picture is sooo cute!!!
    It reminds me of this lyrics by Lana del Rey : 'I sing the National Anthem
    - While I'm standing over your body
    - Hold you like a python
    - And you can't keep your hands off me
    - Or your pants on
    - See what you've done to me ....

    I can look at it the whole day *sigh*

  14. Holy bicep!!! Yes please! 
    My vag practically jumped at the screen, wanting to ride that bicep! 
    I think we will go back and forth: bicep, fuzzy head - bicep, fuzzy head/scruff.

    Sorry I can't think of any quotes.  My vag has my mind in the gutter, looking for something sexy to rub/ride on.

    p.s. i'm pretty sure its all the fifty making me so damn horny!!!

  15. well yah that's a given! We all have to sample the merchandise! It would only be fair!

  16. I suck and I've never seen Dirty Dancing.... but thank you BTBs for the cheer up with the hot pic of Robsten! I fucking needed it, it's been a bad day here. Seems like thats constant up here. My mom was admitted to the hospital because she had a minor heart attack and all she keeps saying is she can't be there cause she looks after my sisters son (they live with her and yes she is my older sister) and my dad had major surgery on his shoulder last week to repair damage from a motorcycle accident he had in May. He's not supposed to move his right arm at all and so my mom drove herself to the hospital cause she thought it was nothing so it's been a scary day. 

    On a lighter note.... fuck me look at Rob's biceps! Some psycho nonsten on some site was saying this had to be a fake pic cause Rob isn't that buff and of course Rob and Kristen aren't together *eye roll* 

  17. I'm so sorry for your situation, Meg... when it rains, it pours. :-( You and your family are in my thoughts.

    And for Rob not being buff?.... well, he's NOT buff in the muscular sense.... but his meaty body is the most FUCK HOT body I have ever seen on Rob! I want his body so much more that usual... if that is possible. Can you tell I have a thing for "meat"? I don't think he will ever get "fat" though... fat is definitely not attractive, but it is not in his genes to be fat, look at his family.

  18. Thanks hun and yes it is definitely pouring right now.... definitely waiting for a rainbow.

    No Rob isn't buff but his arms have definitely got some meat to them and this poster was making it sound like Rob has the arms of a 5 year old girl normally! lol. I definitely prefer a body like Rob's to a too toned body, yah they are nice to look at but not to cuddle or grab on to! ;)

  19. Oh, Hunny Bunny!  I wish that I could give you a BIG hug right now!!!  Hang in there, and let us know how your family is doing  once things have settled down in your corner of the world.  My thoughts and prayers are with you all.  Love you!  

    Unfortunately, the nonsten bullshit will never go away.  Haters will always exist. Although I am torn between Rob and Kristen having their privacy, and these leaked photos *points above*, I am always happy that these R & K flames the asses of all haters!

    Rob is looking mighty meaty there... yummy...SCHLURP!!!  It's all that good, Kristen cooking and thrusting into her that has him looking "good enough to eat!!!"

  20. I agree!

    He has got the arms to hold her up against a wall and thrust into her until she screams his name and cums... Unnnnnffffffffff!!!!!!!!!  ;-)

  21. I fucking love the fact that his bicep is about the size of her legs!

    Although this pic was supposed to be a "private" pic, I fucking LOVE that Kristen is lovin' up on her man!!!  So fucking HOT!!!

    P.S. I also flove the "RED SOLO CUPS"...  LOL! 


  22. I, too, cannot think about Dirty Dancing quotes right now because I have bicep/fuzzy-head/bicep/fuzzy-head Rob on the brain, in between my legs, etc., etc.  LOL!

  23. Great lyrics, BTB-PL!!!

    Ya just know that Kristen did some "Dirty Dancing" (a la WTTR style) for Rob when they got home that same night!!!  *AZ bites her knuckles!*

  24. I believe a very drunk Rob is capable of doing anything, including dancing in public!!!  LOL!

  25. I can see it already!!!  We already know that she can dance/move her body!

  26. I was thinking the same thing! DAMN! He's getting buff!! 

  27. LMAO!!!!!

    I KNOW! I always said I love Rob, but he's the first "skinny guy" im attracted to, I'm usually more into "thicker" guys, not fat, not over-muscular, just thicker... Rob, right now, you are FUCKING PERFECT!!!


  28. It sounds like our preferences in men are about the same!  Until Rob, I was not into"skinny guys".  But, FUCK ME BLIND... AND... SIDEWAYS... is right, Sista Marcela!  Unnnnnfffffff!!!!!!!!!!

  29.  Fuck yeah! I'm sure Rob is forever grateful that she learned how to dance that special way!
    And Kristen in those shorts?! Damn, girl

    Ps: Does that picture of Rob describe our feelings? ;-)



  30. Thanks AZ love you too! *hugs*

    I'm torn too, I like seeing this pic but it sucks that someone leaked a private pic like this.

  31. I've always been into skinny guys, if I wasn't I wouldn't be married to my husband! lol. 

  32. Ah, Red solo cup, I fill you up, lets have a party...

  33. Holy shit girl that hot thinking about that

  34. Exactly!!!! Maybe it's because a too muscular man would intimidate me... but I want to FEEL my man against me, ya know!?

  35. Where's the beef???

    Rob's got it!

  36. I think you're right about that... I would love to see it too!

  37. That's what I was thinking!  Kristen is feeding her man well!.... if you catch my drift!  *wink*

  38. I agree with the BTBs comments down below. I can't think of fuckin shit....Those yummy biceps are making me hyperventilate...fuck!!

    This pic is making my heart jump. Seeing robsten like this. So sweet.

  39. You totally described my likes in a man as well!  

    Fuck me blind, deaf, and dumb!  UNF!

  40. His bicep the size of her legs, and his fingers the size of..... *shudder*

  41. What a fucking ride he would be!  I am so fucking wet thinking about him!  G_D FUCKING DAMMIT!!!!!!!!

    Yup, it's the Fifty!!!  Makes Rob pictures look like porn, right?!

  42. Never noticed... Kristen is wearing some sort of rubber/shiny pantie thingies.... it's not really a g-string.

  43. K2☼__Ami♥BD2♀Csmpls♠February 22, 2012 at 7:01 PM

    So...glad...to...see...them...together!!!! ♥ *photoshops myself in Kristen's place* Oh! That looks good too!!! lol

  44. ITA...and I always liked (still do) guys with darker hair/eyes. My hubs is half-Hawaiian. Rob is def  the only celeb that has caught and kept my attention for 3 fucking years!

  45. Ahhhh, those fingers of his.... Fuuuuuck!!!!!!!

  46. LMAO!  That sond cracks me up!

    Cheers!  Let's have a party... in Rob's pants!!!

  47. LMAO!

    I also imagine that Kristen ravished him on the ride home, had his pants down around his ankles before the front door closed, and just jumped on his MonsterCock!!!  Unnnnnnnnfffff!!!!!!!!

  48. That pic of Rob is just fucktastic!  It reminds me of what he looked like during the Vanity Fair photo shoot with Kristen and the rest of the Twi-cast.


    Not only is Kristen one lucky chick, Rob is one lucky dude!!!

  49. LMAO!  Get in line, BTB-KK!!!  :-)

  50. Hit that right on the head!
    I don't think I realized it until you said that.
    Rob/Fifty - that's the only way I will think of him anymore.

  51. Rob makes me fucking tremble... and I know that effect has been ten-fold since ready Fifty!

  52. YUP! Plus I found men who were too buff were also very vain and that was a major turn off. I know not all are like that, but the majority that I know are!

  53. Yeah, I try not to stereotype... but I feel the exact same way. Kellan Lutz-type men do absolutely nothing for me.

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