Sunday, February 19, 2012


Whatever happened to the cartoons that had a message?
Cartoons today can't hold a candle to cartoons from the 80's.


  1. I completely agree! 
    We probably watch Cartoon Network more than any other channel we have.
    It's sad when shitty cartoons are better than whats on the regular networks.

    Ahh the Smurf's! Lick my ass bitch!  lmao!

  2. TV is shit nowadays.  Just the other day we got rid of our $45 dish network, and have subscribed to $8 Netflix, and the choices are sooo much better.... and we don't feel like such drones this way... we are the "master of our own domains".  ;-)

  3. Did you see the vids that came up at the end of the Smurfs???  0_0  LOL!

  4. Funny shit...but I never did like the Smurfs!

  5. Agree!  Kids are dumb now a days!

    We are the last of the smart kids who actually grew up with no electronics and were able to use our imagination and actually know wtf we are talking about!

  6. SPeaking of good old days, remember this magazine:

    OMG, use to have Corey Haim posted all over my walls from these magazines!! tehee (RIP Corey)

  7. Bop!  Tiger Beat!  I spent my allowance on a good deal of those mags.  The obsession I remember the most was NKOTB... I loved Joey!!!!  That only lasted about a year and a half though.  I remember Corey Haim and Rickey Schroeder, Jason Bateman, Kirk Cameron... and I know there were more.... but it was definitely NKOTB that took up the most space on my walls.  Thanks for the walk down memory lane, Aurora!  ;-) ♥♥♥

  8. I use to love NKOTB and Joey as well! I did the same with my allowance!

    Smooch Star4!

  9. I used to buy that magazine LMAO! but seriously It is sad that he died and was only( I think) in his late thirties I have the movie the Lost Boys it is good back then Keifer Sutherland and Jason Patrick were the "IT" teen idiols as well as Corey Haims and the guys that Kefier were with in the movie YUMMY whatever happen to them LOL

  10. I used to get that magazine too BOP! LOL! I used to LOVE the bass player from the (pop) group Duran Duran John Taylor and I remember going to one of their concerts and I was wearing a little white leather skirt, heels,etc... and I was with my friends and I was in the 4th row center and I will never forget it(and I anot makin this up I don't bullshit) we made eye contact for about 10 minutes or so... and let just say it was HEAVEN!

  11. aaaaaawwww how cute!

  12. that's right! aaaw memories lol!

  13. I HATE them! they are so annoying! and Barney the(purple) dinosaur! my niece(when she was a toddler) loved that show oh god I hated it It was like nails on a chalk board!

  14. LMAO! too fuckin funny!

  15. my favortie cartoons were Beavis and Butthead and also South Park now those are cartoons that I love!

  16. John Taylor was hot back in the day! now he is a little bit too wrinkly for my taste! :)

  17. I FLOVE the Lost Boys!  "
    Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy. It renders you powerless"

    I watched that movie TONS when I was in elementary school!

  18. I have the original VHS of it! Now i have it on Blu-ray & love it!!i
