Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome Weekend!!!!

Who's getting hammered??

I'm hangover already! 

I blame:
-Happy Trails
-BD1 hot stills 

Well, the list is endless...
Have a nice weekend darlings and remember:

Friends don't let friends fuck anyone but Wasted-Rob~


  1. Top pic on the left... poor girl looks like she needs a pair of shammanties...


    Been there done that... fucking puddles! 

  2. I would love to party with Wasted-Rob! I bet he talks shit the whole time and giggles a lot! LOL

    We already know him when he's tipsy ;-)

  3. The blond girl on the last pic (left) though! LMAO
    Look at the face she makes!

  4. I need a beer after my day I had today! Picking up a nice Guiness and a bag of pretzels and having a partttttyyyyy!

  5. He is too fucking cute!!!! Fuck me in all orifices... 

  6. Dude, I have family in town I've been coming to work drunk everyday... LOL

    Good that's been slow, lots of napping! LMAO!

    But hey! Getting wasted tonite again!!! I hope I see wasted Rob, there will wasted Marcela for sure tho! lol

  7. I'm having a toddy although I have to be careful cause I'm still nursing. fucking sucks but gotta be a parent.  My hubby bought me cake flavored vodka for my birthday and man it tastes like fucking heaven. of course not like heaven tasting Roberts sweaty balls.

    Love seeing tipsy rob

  8. CheerS!
    Finally Happy Freaking Friday!
    Pretend your man is Rob and slob his knob!
    It's going to be that kind of weekend!
    *squirt squirt my  :)

  9. This is one of my fave drunk/tipsy Robs.  I mean, I think he's tipsy... he's on somethin'. ;-) 

    The vid above (posted by pinklady).... why are all those people walking down the street?  Is there fucking bus stop there or something?  LOL!

  10. "...and slob his knob"

    I'm soooo stealing that and using it as my own!! LOL

  11. Yes, please, I'm next!

  12. On my 2nd margarita...Happy Friday!

  13. LMFAO "slob his knob" I fucking love that!

  14. Yah that sucks when your nursing.... I nursed for 20 months so I'm kind of a lightweight now. My uncles all say I'm a disgrace to the family since I can't drink like I'm Irish anymore.... JERKS! lol. I'll get there! My birthday last year I did pretty fucking good, even if the bartender made me a drink of double jack daniels with whip cream on top *gag*

  15. Can I get a fucking hug like that! 

  16. About to go pour myself a vodka.... should I go straight up or add some cranberry juice?!? I need it straight up but after a little bit of that I'll be out!!! LMAO 

    I hope to see some drunk posting!!! ;)

  17. hholy fuck I'm drunk, playing turist in Vegas is so mucb fun!! Love you my btbs!!
    Peace love twiligth!!!!

  18. Drunk post cuming up!!!! Fuck me! Ive been dance like a crazy fuck for hours and its ducking cold I think a lost a nipple!! LOL wooooo love Vegas and overpriced margaritas

  19. If you lost a nipple in Vegas weather..... never come here in the winter! lol. 

    One of these days I'll make a trip to Vegas. I have a bunch of friends going in March but Ryley has a hockey tournament and I have no one to watch my babies. 

  20. Fuck now I want a margarita! Dammit! 

  21. Girl, I can't nurse that fucking long. Good for you. My first child I nursed until 9 months when he decided he didn't want it anymore.  My daughter, she will be 3montsh old next week and I'm counting down the months til I can stop. I can't go a year, I'll chew my arm off.

  22. Here's my favorite drunk Rob pics ( I hope this works...I'm a techtard)

  23. Shit! I could have flown there to meet you! My hubs works for an airline - I fly free!!!!

  24. I don't really drink but I sure would love to wrap my lips around Rob's long bottle!!

  25. lol Alie couldn't be 100% nursed though cause I had skim milk and when she was just on breastmilk she lost weight so I had to supplement too, she still doesn't gain much weight at 2 though! lol. 

  26. It has it's advantages!

  27. where the hell was I when he was drunk

  28. mmmhmmmm yes please!!! I wouldn't even mind the audience if I was getting a naked Rob hug!!! 

  29. Is everyone hungover today or what? I need another drink day I think.... it's been one of those days again!

  30. It's Pro Bowl day here in Hawaii...everybody is gettin' drunk at the tailgate parties!

  31. Fucking hot!!!! Love when his hair was like that!! typical LA spot where he has to walk blocks to get to car! ahahaha

  32. LUCKY BITCH!!!!

    yeah he was high on something!!!

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