Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Twi-hard or Twi-tard?? Just one letter difference!! LOL

My Life is Twilight (MLIT), is a website where Twi-hards/tards alike can go share their stories with others.
I thought I was a twi-tard, but after reading some of these fucktastik posts I feel like a freaking Twi-amateur!!
I just spent 3 hours of my life pissing myself laughing reading 
some of these posts!

Fucking hilarious! 

So, do you think you can do better than this??
Show us on the comments below!!

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  1. Oh Jeeez! This is so weird! Someone actually checks the weather in Forks and thinks about Edward?! WTF. They know he's not real do they?!
    And making out with a husky that reminds her of Jacob?  Whaaaattttt???

    Ps: The one with the Edward cutout is you Marcela, right?! ;-)

  2. I no longer think that WE are most twisted bitches in the world. These crazy twats are!!

  3. Ummm...yeah and I thought I was crazy. I got nothin' on these fans.

  4. LOL!!!! I have to admit I thought the same thing!!! 
    I always talk to my cutout Edward like a person *hangs head in shame*

    Ok, gotta go take my crazy pills... lol

  5. LOL!!!

    I gotta say, I'm quite impressed! lmao!

    Dude, how long have I asked my husband to dip his hand in ice :/

    Im pissed! 

  6. My husband just has to go outside for a second to feel like Edward! Fucking -40C out there!!!!

  7. I feel bad for that poor molested Husky! LOL

  8. Yah I'm saying Twi-tards! Seriously checking the weather in Forks?!?!?

  9. Good morning my love!!!
    day two of work, I don't feel life doing SHIT! LOL

    HELP! I need a dose of "give-a-shit" pronto!! Before I lose my job! mwahahaha

    I'm still on vacay mode :/

  10. LMAO!!!!!!

    I'm ok with it as long as there was no peanut butter involved... if there was, then I'm calling ASPCA! LOL

  11. LOL!!!

    Dude, im so done with the cold!! I'm staying in Vegas for alll winters to cum, Europe was cold as fuck! I have never worn so much clothes in my life! LOL

  12. Morning BTB!  Today's not a good day for me either. I started working out again. I haven't worked out since before Christmas. My size 4 jeans are screaming at me! Just like Joan Rivers says, just because it zips, doesn't mean it fits. WAH!

    I always know when I gain weight. It goes straight to my tits, stomach and thighs. I just rambled again. Sorry!

    I'll do my best to give you that "give-a-shit" boost! lol

    Would it help if you could take out some frustration on Rob?

  13. I gotta admit, when I hear a thunderstorm I always say "Somewhere the Cullens are playing baseball"


    I'm such a loser!! http://thehotglove.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/loser.gif

  14. Yah welcome to my world!!! Wanna come visit??? ;) You can get frostbite in 10 minutes but trust me I'll keep you warm! :)

  15. I'm guessing there was! The husky has better standards than that chick!

  16. I'll admit to saying that too and my kids roll their eyes at me! lol. Well except Alie cause she's a girl and she can't resist the Rob charms either! 

  17. UNF that pic made me squirt a little, and  no... that's not helping!! You just me more horny and now I wanna hump your leg!!! LOL

    I gained only 3 pounds in Europe, so im quite happy, it wasn't for the lack of eating im sure, but the damn walking, I walk more than Kung-Fu Seriously!!! LOL

  18. I'll take a rain check and visit on summer!!! LOL

    Although the thought of you keeping me warm is twisting my arm quite hard!!!! Teehee

  19. *sticks leg out* Cumn' get it!! lol

    Good for you! That's awesome! I should have went to Europe with you maybe I wouldn't have gained like 8 fucking lbs. OINK.

  20. SERIOUSLY I'm going to Forks in the spring I WAS susposed to go this past summer but my bff's FUCKTARD PIECE OF SHIT roomate decided to leave his unpaid car payments to my bff and she was not able to go last summer  and I told her if that PIECE of SHIT is within spittin of this trip I SWEAR I WILL  tie his ass to a chair  and dump some cow shit aaallll over him and leave him there to rot in it


  22. aaaawwww you are training her well! and your sons are so funny my family the same way they just roll their eyes at me LMFAO!

  23. I can't say I blame ya BTB!!! 

  24. IKR?! ha hahahaha

  25. Ewwww is an understatement! LOL

  26. *throws some "give-a-shit" fairy dust at Marcela*

  27. shit I went from a size 18(almost 20) to a size 9/10! yep lost OVER 150 pounds

  28. DAMN! WOA! MISS PUSSY calm down!

  29. HA HA HAH AHA!!!

  30. It was 32 degrees this am in Northern California!

  31. LOL!!! the only thing I like about winter is christmas and thanksgiving and thats it I LOVE summer!

  32. *goes to call the men in the white coats from the "Happy Place"*

  33. ha haahhaha me too!

  34. IKR?! oh that would be SOOO wrong!

  35. oh please I always say good morning to my framed pic of Rob *has therapist on speed dial*

  36. LOL!!! It must've been the 45 minutes walks to post-office to make a fucking phone call to america!!! LOL

  37. That is some seriously fucked up shit! Thanks for the laugh Marcela! 

    "Today I made out with my large 'sybarian' husky..." First of all WTH is a 'sybarian'  *maybe she should learn to spell before she learns to fuck* lol & that whole comment is not just fucked up that's fucking BEASTIALITY!! Holy fucking SHIT!!!!!! That goes way beyond Twi-Anything IMO! lmfao

  38. I guess MLIT's don't have spell check or know how to use it.

  39. Don't worry I do that too

  40. I know the feeling FB I was in a size 4 before i got preggo. I'm a size 6 which is fine but I have this pudge from my c-section and I don't know if I'll ever get rid of it. I excercise now but something tells me it'snot going to get me back my flat tummy.

  41. Fuck where the hell do you live?

  42. Wow I'm not so bad!!

  43. Damn! Did you give birth to a sea monkey? You only went to a size 6 during pregnancy?

  44. lol! well as of after my pregnancy i'm at a size 6. I gained less than 25lbs when I was prego. I was all baby. I'm pretty damn lucky to get no stretch marks with both of my kids but now I have a scar frommy my daughter.

  45. Where in Europe have you been? Sounds like a small town. And there was no internet?! Really? Jeeezz

  46. Told my hubbs I was going to go to see 'Water For Elephants' by myself at the theater.  "Ok, I'm going to go into to the garage and watch 'Debbie Does Dallas'"....
    My DH isn't stupid.  He knows Rob is for women, what porn is for men...
    He truly doesn't know the half of it!  ;-)  MLIT

  47. Summer is the best time of year! Plus my birthday is in the summer! lol.
