Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh FUCK, I.... *DEAD*

Those lips... kissing those lips

My heart melts, my ovaries explode and my vagina squirts...

I fucking love you Kristen, 
but I fucking hate you right now 
you lucky bitch!!!


  1. Double squirts! Damnnnnnnnn!

  2. Oh fuck! Now that's a close up!
    So hot

  3. How can a kiss scene get me wetter then a water park?

    *looks back at gif*

    AH! That's why.

  4. *thud*

    Now we are lying together ;) lol 

    Wanna spoon?

  5. I wanna spork! Fuck the spork! I wanna do the buffet with yoU!

    How's your turtle? I'm now obsessed with your turtle! Why didn't I know about him or her???!!! lol

  6. I'd love to see him kiss her other lips. Sorry, the Krisbian is cumming out of me.

  7. Dude $60 later, she looks much better, a new heat lamp and antibiotics, he/she may pull it off
    I still don't know if its a girl or boy, i see no pecker or cooter, but "Harry" is looking much better lol

    So lets hold the RIP, she may pull it off somehow.

    Dude I have a 60 gallon fish tank and 12 fishes -  and a fish bowl with one blue half moon Betta (AKA my other child)

    He was so sad I was gone ;( He filled his bowl with tears... or maybe it was piss...


    Well those are my pets

  8. HARRY THE TURTLE! Fucking genius! Who named the hard shell bad ass? Piss or tears...all in the name of love. lol

    I love fish! They are so calming to watch. I just don't have the patience to clean the tanks and damn! You have a 60 gallon tank. OMG!

  9. My 4-year-old is the one that called dibs in all the naming opportunities in his household, don't ask where he got Harry from as I have no idea! LOL

    I tried to tell him to name the turtle "Ninja" so it would be THE NINJA TURTLE but no, he liked Harry... LOL

    And yeah, the tank it's a bitch to clean, but I'm an expert now, lol 20 mins and Im done, my tank is kick ass "Eastern Island theme" with Moais and treasure chests and shit! LOL I'm so proud!

  10. LMAO! If or when I get another pet I'm sending you a a pic of it and the two of you can name it for me! LOL

    It sounds amazaballs! Do you have a Nemo or is that too generic? lol

  11. LOL!!!! Dude! I SOOOOO Wanted a Nemo! 
    But no, we have: Katie, Shawn the snake, Batman, Robin, Vivi, Ashley, Mia, Nana, Papi, Mely, lion, and Tiger-2 (RIP-Tiger-1)

    And my baby Betta is Blue the Piranha 

  12. You have a piranha??!! Holy Fuck Balls! What does Betta eat?

  13. He almost ate half of my first goldfish... lol that's why the nickname... 

    But he's cool, he just a  bit aggressive and needs to be away from other fishes ;) He reminds of myself LOL
    here it's Blue: 

  14. file://localhost/Users/harissalkanovic/Desktop/BlackHM+.jpg

  15. Squeezing my way right between those two...this is my new happy place!

  16. So fu-hu-hu-hu-hu-ckin hot. 


    no i don't

    You know my favorite kiss from him (so far)?  The Twilight bedroom scene... THE LIP TWITCH!  His lips are saying he is insane with lust and wants to fuck my... er... her brains out!
    He is barely making physical contact with me...  Kristen... and my fucking vag is a fountain!


    (first gif I've made, don't know if it will work)

  17. Here ya go, BTB.

  18. *twitching*  (not his lip.... MINE)

    Yeah, tried to shorten it into a gif.... GET ME TO THE PART WHERE I JIZZZ.... FAST!

    the pic at the bottom of my post might not work, but there is a link as well.

    Does anyone know how to make gifs?... Not crazy with the site I used.
