Saturday, January 14, 2012

Is it just me...

Or these two look like they been fucking all day??

Oh screw it, I know they have and I can fucking smell it!! 

*snif snif* 



  1. Hot sexy sweaty vampire sex! Wohoooooo!

    I'm in!

  2. Boobie grab! SIDE Boobie grab!!!!!

    Rob you are a perv, and I fucking love you~!

  3. ...and they'll be fucking all night that what life was life before I had kids? Oh yes it was!

  4. That's the first thing i realized too. They may have not had sex at all and he's just horny as hell!! LOL he might just go watch some porn on his iPhone, relax and come back to the side boob girl.

  5. Let me see....

    *stares at pic...tilts head to left...tilts head to right..starts rubbing chin from curiosity*

    AH HA! I got it! *throws finger in the air*

    This is not the expression of sex but something sex related my dear BTBs! As you can clearly see Robward has the expression of sexual-fulfillment and mischievousness and Bellisten  so very distinctively has the look that she just sucked his dick in their dressing room and from being on her knees so long that now she can't walk. HENCE! The reason why he is carrying her...bitch can't walk.

    I can't talk all the credit. Kristen's PA told me that when the two came out of the dressing room they had to change Kristen's wig, dress and makeup. She was covered in this whitish gooey substance. And Rob had this grin from ear-to-ear.☺

  6. CUM on cottage sex! BTBs want you like Nikki Reed needs a free clinic!

  7. Fuck me stupid. It's not even 10 am and I'm already having a fight with a stupid cunt over at ROBsessed. I love the site but this bitch is twat! about I knock you the fuck blind! PEACE!

  8. LOL That cunt should know better than pick a fight with you!!! 

    *rolls up sleeves*

    Where is that twat?!?!

  9. What happened?

  10. OMG, you're name! LOL

  11. ****right behind Marcela to back up FB****

  12. Thanks for your explanation! I can totally see that this happened! It's logical. ;-)

  13. I said: He oozes so much sex that's why he's my favorite porn. ☺

    robmeblind: Are you giving him a choice (about being your porn)?......he is not a porn star.

    I said: Shut up. If you don't like my comments then don't read them.

    robmeblind: I have every right to object to your comments...if you dont like my objections, dont read them.

    I said: But I'm telling you NOW do not reply to any of my comments because I
    don't care to read them. Are you the president of the Robert Pattinson
    high moral fan club or something? You seem really uptight. You really
    should pull the stick out of your a$$ and shove it up your hoo-ha
    because it might make you feel better.

    This is the day of rest so why don't you do just that. GIVE IT A REST! ☺

    And there's a few more but you get the idea. lol

  14. She's not even worth the dirt on the ground. LOL

     This is the same bitch that came after me because of my username. I

  15. I love a good boob grab! *wiggles with dirty grin*

  16. Oh, interesting.
    A lot of people over there take things so seriously. They should just chill

  17. Some are pretty cool, that's where I met Jennifer. She's a bad ass! But like you said some take it to a level of freakdom!

  18. LMAO!!
    WTF if she doesn't see Rob as porn, Why the fuck is she ogling him?? 

    What a cunt

  19. That cowbitch better watch it! I can cut a bitch that messes with my heart (you) 

    *puts baseline on face and removes hoops* Hey Aurora23 help me braid my hair, I'm taking this cunt down!!!

  20. That's what I was calling her! lol

    This is probably her. A nice girl who thinks that real men look like her Ken doll naked.

  21. ROFLMFAO!! I love ya! I needed that laugh so bad! LOL

  22. LOL!!! Fucking Stephanie Meyer she brought all the mormons with her! *hides from mormons all over the world*

  23. Dude I have(had) just a few mormon friends... from all, only one is normal and still talks to me! as soonest they started having kids they said they rather stay away from "bad" people that drink and curse... and they stopped talking to me! WTF

  24. That's bullshit! You are closest thing to heaven for me! ☺ SMOOOCH!

  25. Muahhhhhh!!!!

    I'm always there for you my darling!!!! 

  26. Yup some of them r prudes.

  27. She most definately wouldn't like my username...what is she 80 years old

  28. Not sure, maybe. But she's one of those crazy cunts that petitions every movie of his to get an Oscar nomination and she takes showers with clothes on and eats peanut butter with her finger....after she pulls it out of ass.

  29. Lmfao! i'm just looking at Robwards face. He looks like he just had a good ole time

  30. Yes he does. And he has the cum soaked  underwear to prove it!
