Thursday, January 19, 2012


Is this the true meaning of Yin-Yang? Or would this be Yang in his Yin?
I'm confused and amused! It's a good day!


  1. ahahaha! looks like 2 chicks! 

  2. Why oh Why?! LOL

  3. I could never get into Hairy Potter... 

    I watched part of the movie were Rob was and that's it  LOL

    But by looking at this, it's gayer than sparkling vampires... Mwahahah

    Dude, I'd rather see Rob and Jackson getting it nasty... unf  I got a girly boner~ HELP!

  4. OK who the fuck is that behind him? Ew

  5. Nah

  6. the other day i was in and there was a post saying that emma watson is awesome because when asked about the differences between twilight and harry potter she said: oh, we don't sell sex.." and i was like.... duh! that's the reason we all love twilight FUCK YOU HARRY POTTER!!!! literally, just to see how good is sex!

  7. Holy Fuck Balls! Where have you been? *runs and hugs BTB*

  8. I don't think Twilight sells sex. Unless you consider sex appeal sex then yes, Twilight is dripping with Sex. Not our fault HP doesn't have the panty dripping fellas and gals like Twilight. Just another hater....damn.

  9. I had to take a double look and it does look like her!!! ahahahahahha

  10. okay, I'm a huge HP fan & those books and Twilight ones are like apples & oranges!

    I hate when they compare the 2 of them! So stupid! HP is for a different kinda of audience! Dummies I tell ya!

    HP is for our kiddie adventures & Twilight is for our Adult adventures! Enough said! :p

  11. i don't know if twilight sells sex, but that's the only thing that comes to my mind when watching robward...

  12. Love you too. A lot

  13. That's actually kinda hot. I wish it was Rob making that gesture!

  14. No apologizes needed. We just missed you...LOTS! We know when a BTB is absent.


    I agree with you. I like the HP books and movies. But there is nothing you can compare between them and Twilight. Different story and it's addressed to a different audience.

  16. IKR?! That would be really hot!
    C'mon Rob, do it for your BTB'S! Lol

  17. LOL! i'm back now! where's my drink?

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  18. Totally agree with you!  
    Although, I have to say..... Twilight is for our 'young' adult adventures.... MOTU is for our ADULT adventures.

  19. If you can get past the fact that there's no fucking in HP... it's an amazing series.  These books showed me I could actually enjoy reading (this was in my late 20s).

    You have this wonderful place to catch up on the kinky!  *slaps ass*

  20. What would Twilight be if Rob wasn't cast???

    Mmm..... nothing.

    That's not entirely true, I would have still liked the books.... but Rob brought us our fucking libidos..... he IS SEX... he is PORNOGRAPHY!

  21. I stop ready fifty shades for a few minutes, then I cum to this site.... see the picture of Rob holding a whip.... see this pic of him that you just posted.... and I fucking wet myself so fucking much!


  22. I'm a BIG reader, I read at least a book a week, and I'm sucker for series... but I don't know why I didnt get into HP, I have the books in my garage, and everytime I started the first few pages I had to put it down...

    I just finished "The Hunger Games Trilogy" and "Fallen Series" and there is no sex in either of them, and I loved them...

    Harry potter... I just don't know

    Maybe it's the fact that the "hardcore" HP fans are such pricks always attacking Twilight fans the reason I just can't read them... who knows

  23. I've read the Lauren Kate books also??!!! She's got two more books coming out. Rapture which goes with the Fallen series and then Fallen in Love, it comes out this month I think. Rapture comes out in the Summer, right?

    I also like Maggie Stiefvater.

  24. OH MOTU!!!

    You kill me woman! 

    I'm gonna have to read it again! LOL 
    All of you bitches talking about it are getting me all tingly! 

  25. amem sista!

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  26. I agree! I don't like it when they(the media or fans) compare the two either I love them both I loved being able to bring out the "kid" in me when it came to this wonderful series and now Twilight brought out the HAVE-MERCY look on my face when I saw Rob walk across the cafeteria DAMN!! that sence will forver go down in history as the MOST FUCK HOT sence!!!

  27. True BUT it ended up being "Twilight is NOT just for teens anymore LOL but seriously I see what ya mean :D ps mmmmmm MOTU I read some of it in the FF oh my god!!! I could never write that good LOL!

  28. lol! love the GIF of whats his name sorry his name esacpes me LOL! but yeah HP will always be apart of me it was the BEST and FYI this year Apparition will be out int he theaters soon that stars Ashely Greene and Tom Felton when I first read about that  I was SO fucking happy

  29. she is SOOOOO WRONG *shakes head*


  31. *hands Mariana a cosmo*

  32. so true if I had a 13 year old daughter I would let her read the books so this is question I would ask her so you are saying that you would not let your 13 year old read the books cuz honey if these books sold sex then SM would be in deep shit because one she is Mormon and two she does'nt sell sex int hese books like you said esx appeal yeah but not sex just the romance and the sex appeal and Rob LOL!!!

  33. IKR? silly bitch... a lost case isn't?

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  34. well yeah that's true but when I read twilight it did'nt seem like to me that it was selling anything just romance, adventure and Rob ;) but seriously they were beautiful books and right now I'm reading another series it is called the Blue Blood series it is pretty good

  35. so very true that is a good question when I was reading twilight I could NOT picture anyone of who I would like to play Edward and when I saw(before twilight) GOF there was my Edward starin at me in the face all this time talk about 'fate"!

  36. *HUGS* can i squeeze your ass just a little? it's been a while since i interact with a btb...

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  37. now we're talking!

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  38. exactly!! IMO without Rob it would not be a hit right now all though I could be wrong but I doubt it

  39. how are you?! we have misssed ya!!

  40. Tom Felton/aka Draco Malfoy of the HP series hahahahhahaaa!!

  41. HA HA HAHAHA yeah it does!!

  42. hah ahhahaha love it!!!

  43. I love it but I never(and WON'T) had any impure thoughts until Rob happend and when I saw him in GOF I thought DAMN he is gooood lookin but that was it unitl Twilight then I "came" when I saw Rob walk across the cafeteria and then it dawned on me(did not know his real name) HOLY FUCK BALLS THAT IS CEDRIC!!

  44. I LOVE THE FALLEN SERIES I read the frist one and the second one and the 4th one is going to be out January 23rd!! I have the third one have'nt read it yet I have SO many books ahead of it but I will get to it and as for the hardcore fans of HP they need to quit putting HP and Twilight upagans t onme another its dumb and also I hihgly recomend a series it is called the Blue Blood series and it is good it is by Melissa De'La Cruz and it i sso good!

  45. i read the books before the movies, and to me it was all romance and... not rob! unfortunatly... you know who i used to picture as edward? Chad Michael Murray!!!

    i don't even think the movies are THAT sexual, but i'm a horny bitch, so... to me it's a compliment!

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  46. yeah.........*goes to lick picture*

  47. oh god!!! YUMMY!

  48. Iwish it was too!!

  49. shit I've died so many times when it cums to this man!

  50. he do a strip tease ;)

  51. i'm fine, tks! i missed talking to you too... i'm trying to make my own business... working home... and that it's... DANGEROUS!

    2012/1/19 Disqus <>

  52. It's James van der Beek! LOL
    Oh, I haven't heard about this movie! I just know Ashley did one with Kellan and I think it's comming out this year too.

  53. I guess I went about reading Twilight a little backward. I did read the books before watching the movie.... but I already knew Ed was Ced. (and Bella was Kristen)... so unfortunately (or NOT), I was already picturing the characters as they were cast in the movie. That certainly made it more enjoyable though....
    And, I think the scenes that did it for me were the first kiss in the bedroom, and the restaurant.... Rob didn't look so much like Ced... he looked like a SEX GOD sent to earth to TORTURE MEEEEEE!

  54. I know!!! I can't wait for Rapture!! And I've already pre-ordered Fallen-in-Love! ;)

    HP... nope! not yet

  55. I didn't mean.... *tripping over my words*
    I am not an accomplished reader. I don't know much about books, I wish I could say I've read more. I think most of you have read TONS more than I have. Maybe that is why I suggested something so common place as HP being such a good book...

    Anyway, my head is always in the dark recesses on here... sex on my brain... so I always tend to comment... stupidly... I don't always have a filter.

    I love you! Muah!

  56. I just found out about these last week and went straight to Amazon. Can't wait!

  57. Bitches man. That's all Twihaters are. BITCHES!!!

  58. Luv you too darling! 

    No worries ;) I don't hate HP or their fans, but still cannot get into it!! LOL

  59. Aggressive?... Hot???.... You really need to be reading fifty shades.
    Sorry for the peer pressure... that's usually not like me... I'm just trying to pull someone new down into some darker recesses with me... I'm so enjoying it here. *winks and motions come hither with my index finger*

    ...It's my dom side rearing it's ugly head. ;-)

  60. Marcela gave me instructions to get in the mood quickly. I must obey. Lol


  62. cool! I don't know if it will be in theater  I HOPE it will but if not then I can get it on DVD cuz half of these movies the do are indies :s

  63. woooo squeez away!!!!! *bends down*

  64. YEP silly silly BITCH

  65. theres plenty more!

  66. no so far no rating for the movie my guess is pg-13 but look on the brightside at least it is'nt SUMSHIT producing it LOL

  67. oh babe us BTB's are ALL horney BITCHES lol! hmmm Chad Micheal Murray sounds familar what's his resume like does he have a tv show and what movies has he done

  68. I'm so HAPPY you are back!! and working at home wow thats awesome

  69. he is lucas from "one tree hill"
    2012/1/22 Disqus <>
