Friday, January 13, 2012


Just the mere thought of Rob visiting my Taco Bell sets my cooter lips to whistling.

That's right BTBs! That's no train you hear blowing it's ME!

*toot toot*

His lips. His tongue. His scruff.
(Universal Noise for Fucking Long & Hard)

I don't know who Robmaniporn is but I fucking love her or him.


  1. OMFG that 2nd picture just made me cum in like nano secs! Fucking awesome!

    I am home on Friday night Teying to keep warm and this pic totally put my cooter on fire!!!

    UNF UNF UNF!!!!!!

  2. What 2nd pic?

    I'm home also. I'm trying to shake the early symptoms of a cold. I'm all wrapped  up in my snow leopard snuggie..I'm a sexy bitch!

  3. I fixed my response. I thought the video and this pic were on the same post from the main page. Derp!

    Got to damn excited from the pic!

    I'm snuggled up in my pink snuggle reading the Naked werewolf story. It is so funny and I'm liking it!

    Main character is a BTB for sure! We should discuss the book after we both finish reading it!

  4. *in Sallys voice*(from When Harry Met Sally) oooooooohhhhooooo YEEESSSSSS!

  5. *spreading wings*!

  6. MOL AND UNF!!! and my panites are wet!!!

  7. you sure are a sexy bitch!! but get well soon!

  8. Hey, Rob has a cold too.... co-inky-dink????

    I'd tell you to try some zicam, but that shit makes you throw up.  Would you rather get rid of your cold fast, or not have to hover over your toilet bowl?

  9. Omg just finished reading "How To flirt witha naked werewolf" and the main character is a BTB for sure!

    She even has a couple of moments like this picture!

    Ok finally going to sleep & dreaming about this pic!

  10. Awww..thank you, baby girl! I guess I'm as sexy as I can be in my leopard snuggie and my hair up in a sloppy bun. lol

  11. You are a fast thinker! Yes, it's true. I got Robcooties! AND I FUCKIN' LOVE AND NEVER WANT TO GET BETTER! LOL
    (don't I wish!)

    I'll just stay sick. I hate throwing up!

    Do you want some Robcooties? *puckers lips for smooch*

  12. I WANNA READ! I WANNA READ! *stomps feet* I'm waiting for Amazon and snailmail to get it to me. *crosses arms & feet & pouts*

    Was it good? Are you going to read the next one?

  13. I would LOVE to do that, let's do that!!!! Great idea!

  14. I bought the book for the Kindle app on my iPhone/iPad. It was cheaper than buying the book & waiting. I like fast instant gratification, but only with certain things! *winks*
    Is there a series? Will have to look that up. The book was good that I read it within one day.when I am into something, I get into it!

  15. I only have a Touch for now. I keep waiting for that fucking iPhone 5. I should see if I can dl it on my touch..hmmm.

  16. Yes u can on the touch. I can send u the book for free thru email. Just tell me where to send it.! :)

  17. Do what??!! Fuckin' awesome, thank yoU!!  DAT BE ME!   

    Thank you so much! *SMOOCH*

  18. Anytime! Just sent it to you! I'm running out to get some errands done in this cold weather! Ugh!  Be back on later! Let me know if you can access the attachments and read it!

    Happy Saturday! 
