Friday, December 16, 2011


I'd have shown him my real tits to sign...

Some people!! 

For sure that was NOT a BTB...

I'm sure many of you pervs would've asked him to sign your cooters with his Sparkle-Peen


  1. Oh hell ya, rob want to sign my cooter with ur peen. Mmmm...

  2. what a loser! maybe she has ugly tits...

  3. pfft I would not be surprised!

  4. Rob noooooo don't sign those UGLY TITS!

  5. then afterwards he can "sign" mine ;)

  6. LMAO!! here Rob *flashes tits*

  7. hey FB! where are ya?! I hope you are feeling better! *smooches* and *hugs*

  8. his pen can take a third one?  *gets in line*

  9. Oh! Rob's sparkle peen its the gift that keeps on Oprah!!!

  10. Even the fake nipples get all hard @ the sight of Rob... mine and caressing the screen as I tipe....

  11. I hate the cold, my fingers are crippled and I have to re-type everything like 10 times! ARGH! I live in Vegas for fucks sake! What am I going to do in London!! Probably I'll just freeze and die... 
    ps: just checked the weather 39* currently with a high of 56*... I know it's better than other places, but heck!! I'm used to the over 110*!! LOL

    I'm a desert lizard...

  12. I actually can't believe I'm saying this but here in NY its been warm to cold and rain. huge muddy mess. I just wish it would snow already. I'm sick of the mud. 

  13. Here sign mine * lift up shirt, pulls down her nursing bra shows jugs of plenty for now*

  14. LOL Oh man, here snows rarely, and when it does it melts before it hits the ground... same with rain, evaporates fairly quickly...

    Desert... LOL

  15. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:02 PM

    It's just an automatic reaction that's programmed inside me. If Rob is within 15 feet of me I get butt fuckin' naked. He can sign anything he wants...I just hope he uses his DICK pen instead of his Bic pen. (bad joke, bad, bad

  16. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    Don't even talk about it...I can't stand the thought you leaving us for a month.

    *pulls out gun and loads it and points it at head*

  17. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:04 PM

    It's cold as a witch's tit here in VA. Started off nice and mild but the afternoon turned into the fucking North Pole.

  18. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:04 PM

    I'm moving to LV. lol

  19. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:05 PM

    Hey baby girl! I had to go out and do some more shopping. SORRY! I missed you much!

  20. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 2:06 PM

    It took me a few hours but I saw the Rob Cock in the sky and I hightailed it home! Christmas shopping is a bitch. You don't even want to know what all I did today. *shakes head*

  21. NNNooooooo *Launches at FB and starts making out*

    Sorry, I got carried away *wiggles eyebrows*

  22. LOL!! don't I know it hun! I'm lucky if I can squeeze a shower and a potty break from here til sunday... ARGH!

  23. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 4:16 PM

    How's your holiday organization and planning going? All packed? I bet your kids are FLYING off the walls! I'm so excited for yoU!!

  24. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 4:18 PM

    The gun is loaded with blanks. I knew what you would do. *evil grin*

    *starts rolling around with BTB, groping and caressing her delicious body*

    If my bf read this stuff I don't know if he would be scared that I was leaving him to be a lesbian or turned on by it. I know, turned on. lol

  25. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 16, 2011 at 4:20 PM

    I can not believe it's less then a week away from Christmas. Time is flying by!

  26. I live in HI....nice weather all the time...sometimes it rains, hard, just like Rob! Have a great time in London. Wishing all my BTB's a wonderful holiday season!

  27. HA HA HAHAH AH AA! *dying of laughter* I can't type! ha ah  ah ha ha

  28. oh good you got to out and do some stuff thats cool I missed ya lots too!

  29. good ya got the cock light on!

  30. oh please I am so done all I have to do now is wrap the stuff ppppffft I'm lazy I don't want too LOL

  31. ha ha hahahaha!!

  32. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 19, 2011 at 3:38 AM

    Missed you 2 baby girl. You know I'd always rather be here in our BTB  home.♥

  33. ★FreezeBurn♥RobMyCooter★BTBDecember 19, 2011 at 3:39 AM

    I hate to say it but I'm twisted in that way. I love wrapping gifts. When I was 16 at Christmas time I worked at my mall back in Chicago and I was one of the bitches you would bring your gifts to to have them gift wrapped. And yes we had to wear a Santa hat. lol
